Whenever I go to Louisville, I stay with my hetero-life partner’s parents. Mom and Diddy Murphy are great…but Mom Murphy always waits to do her major grocery shopping until we come (third floor condo = wait for the packmules to visit before buying more than 3 bags full).
It’s okay, though, because they thoughtfully leave me in the tea aisle every time. I’ve found all kinds of new brands/varieties that I can’t find here; this is one of them.
The strongest taste is honey. If I hadn’t known better, I would have thought I’d put honey in to sweeten it. There’s some ginseng, yup, and a bit of mandarin oranges, but it’s mostly honey that I taste. I don’t like my tea sweetened at all, so it’s not one of my favorites. And if it oversteeps any at all, blech.