Went to Spaworld today for the first time. If you have a Korean spa anywhere near you you should go. I have decided that this is where I live now when the world gets me down. The routine goes something like this; give someone $35 then put your shoes, clothes and cell phone away for the next (up to) 24 hours. Get naked in your gender-specific locker room and go take a shower. Hit the shower/pool/sauna/hot tub/cold tub/infrared rest area of you choice, or all of them. Put on a comfy cotton orange prison jumper and go to the co-ed areas. Get yourself a bubble tea. Scope everything out and relax. Go to the hot rooms made of crystals, salt, ice, charcoal and pine, clay, or the omgomgomg red clay ball pit. Hit all of them. Seriously. Really wish you had thought to bring some iced green tea. Get a massage, salt rub, waxing, spicy tofu soup or dumpling depending on budgetary restrictions. Go lie under two inches of hot red clay balls again until you are putty. Shower again then go lie down someplace comfy for an hour or so. Nap. Repeat until you absolutely positively must be jacked back in to teh worlds again. Best $35 EVER.
In other news, I tried this sample right before I went out today. This is really great and if my third steep had gone with me instead of sitting neglected on the dining room table it would have made everything better. I think ashmanra and scharp covered the description well, and I am a bit too blissed at the moment to try to add to their insights. This makes two of three samples I have tried from Nuvola that I must have more of. Pretty impressive considering I haven’t tried the third yet and already ordered more of the first.
It is a pretty incredible experience. I was jellified.
Apparently some clever Asian businessmen when they are flying in to the area just stay here instead of getting a hotel. It is a lot cheaper, more relaxing and the services are great. I know I couldn’t do it. I place a very elevated, western value on privacy.
Wow you must have walked away in slow motion!
It is a pretty incredible experience. I was jellified.
Apparently some clever Asian businessmen when they are flying in to the area just stay here instead of getting a hotel. It is a lot cheaper, more relaxing and the services are great. I know I couldn’t do it. I place a very elevated, western value on privacy.