When I got my huge package from Zoomdweebies after the first of the Kickstarter campaigns, I got two packages of SBT Maple Bacon since this tea was in the 12 Days of Christmas package too. The first time I steeped it for the 12 Days of Christmas review: http://sororiteasisters.com/2013/12/29/fifth-day-christmas-southern-boy-teas-edition/ and I wasn’t all that crazy about it. It just didn’t work for me.
So that’s why it took me so long to finally brew this additional sachet. I knew I wasn’t gung-ho about it. This time, I cold-brewed the tea, and this worked WONDERS! This is actually quite good. I will actually up my rating from 51 up to 70 because as a cold-brewed tea, this works great. I’ll even try hot-steeping the bag now that it’s been cold brewed once … maybe it will be good. Let’s hope!
Anyway … not so much of a strong bacon flavor as a maple flavor. I get a good, brisk black tea flavor, smooth and flavorful, and a hint of bacon-y goodness. This is much better cold-brewed. COLD BREW THIS ONE!