drank Ancient Yellow Buds by Rishi Tea
4843 tasting notes

I was absolutely shocked and amazed when I opened this month’s Steepster Select box (the box we receive in April is actually May’s box. Confusing, I know, but I’m sort of glad that they do it like this, because it makes me feel less pressured to get my reviews for all three teas done within the month’s time frame. Not that I have to do that. But, I like to. I guess I’m a little OCD when it comes to reviewing tea.

Anyway, as I said, I was absolutely shocked, amazed, astounded, delighted, overjoyed and excited to find Yellow tea in this month’s box! OMG! This one tea made up for the fact that there were teas that I was less than thrilled with in the past. I love yellow tea… it is my precious! MY precious!!!

And this is amazingly good. Sweet, fresh, and delicious. Sweet fruit notes, floral tones, crisp and refreshing, I just want to bathe in this stuff. I want to make myself super small, curl up in a ball, and plunge into my Yixing mug and never leave this tea.

A rating of 100 isn’t high enough for this tea.

Show 6 previous comments...
TeaBrat 13 years ago

hee – I want some! Did you get your June Steepster box?

LiberTEAS 13 years ago

Yes, I did. This is from May’s box, though.

Azzrian 13 years ago

So you like this then?

TeaBrat 13 years ago

hmm. I’m till waiting on mine!

Barb 13 years ago

OK, let’s see whether this will make # 75 on Barb’s shopping list… is this a mail order only? I shall have to look at my local Snooty Grocery Store.

Barb 13 years ago

Dang, just missed. Only # 74.

ms.aineecbeland 13 years ago

No box for me I am afraid. Card box maybe. Anyhow, I have seen Rishi Teas but have yet to try them. If I recall they are organic blends, more medicinal incline I think. No yellow teas either. I must try to visit China town one day soon for some Jasmine and other yellows.

I like wording crisp and refreshing but don’t see ‘vegetal’ as descriptor. Even with floral tones it should still yield some vegetal, perhaps not.

I don’t know. good review I guess.

Kashyap 13 years ago


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TeaBrat 13 years ago

hee – I want some! Did you get your June Steepster box?

LiberTEAS 13 years ago

Yes, I did. This is from May’s box, though.

Azzrian 13 years ago

So you like this then?

TeaBrat 13 years ago

hmm. I’m till waiting on mine!

Barb 13 years ago

OK, let’s see whether this will make # 75 on Barb’s shopping list… is this a mail order only? I shall have to look at my local Snooty Grocery Store.

Barb 13 years ago

Dang, just missed. Only # 74.

ms.aineecbeland 13 years ago

No box for me I am afraid. Card box maybe. Anyhow, I have seen Rishi Teas but have yet to try them. If I recall they are organic blends, more medicinal incline I think. No yellow teas either. I must try to visit China town one day soon for some Jasmine and other yellows.

I like wording crisp and refreshing but don’t see ‘vegetal’ as descriptor. Even with floral tones it should still yield some vegetal, perhaps not.

I don’t know. good review I guess.

Kashyap 13 years ago


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I am obsessed with tea!

I am a co-founder of the SororiTEA Sisters:

I no longer write for the SororiTea Sisters but I am still the admin for the blog.


The reason I’m no longer writing for SororiTea Sisters is because I am now the Mad Tea Artist for 52Teas:


I’ll still be posting occasional reviews on teas here on Steepster, mostly backlogged reviews because I’m way behind on getting reviews posted. That’s why I’m keeping two accounts active at the current time – so that I can get those backlogged reviews posted.


My favorite teas are Yellow Teas with most Oolong teas at a close second. As far as “flavored” teas go, I love Earl Grey, Chocolate and Jasmine teas.

I also am intrigued by flavored teas with an unusual or unique flavor combination, which is why I was very excited to be the Mad Tea Artist of 52Teas!


Vancouver, WA



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