The dry leaves are thin and needle-like, with a bright vegetal smell. They unfurl into the cutest little yellow-green leaves. The brewed tea is a very, very pale yellow. As in, you can barely tell it’s not water. But it sure doesn’t taste like water! This is wonderfully vegetal and buttery, without being too heavy. There’s a nice dry aftertaste too. This easily gave me two good steeps. I probably could have gotten a third, but I’m trying to make a dent in my stash. As usual, high marks for Teavivre. Many thanks to Alysha for the sample.
Protip: Teavivre’s sample packages always have more than one serving but aren’t easy to reseal. Luckily, the labels on Teavivre’s sample-size packages peel right off and stick nicely to a tin or baggie! Most people have probably already figured this out, but I thought I’d share for anyone who hasn’t.
I actually just did that like five minutes ago! The little DAVIDsTEA samples are the same way. Now if I would only work for Verdant! ;)
Teavana labels are actually like that, too (though with Teavana’s reputation, I’m slightly ashamed to admit knowing that).
I actually just did that like five minutes ago! The little DAVIDsTEA samples are the same way. Now if I would only work for Verdant! ;)
Teavana labels are actually like that, too (though with Teavana’s reputation, I’m slightly ashamed to admit knowing that).