this sample came from the gracious Stephanie whom i am thinking of at this ungodly hour as i sip.
i have an exam in a few hours. i need to be able to think. which means i need to sleep….. instead i go over and over my information. this is NOT helpful!!!
the tea…. mild, minty, hopefully conducive to sleep in the near future. although going by the name i am not inspired to look up in awe at majestic trees or dodge charging elk (which has been known to happen in northern BC). to me this blend is a murky mint. i don’t get any oolong, birch, cinnamon or clove….. i smelled anise in the dry blend, but that is explained by the fennel. murky mint sums it up for me.
no numbers, c’mon, it’s 4:15. i’ll try one more time. at the moment though i’m not amazed.
i’ll know soon….. i leave in 45 mins, then i’ll have a much better idea. thanks for the positive thinking!
Yeah…this seems to be the consensus on this tea. Meh, sorry!
Hope your exam went well :)
Good luck on the exam!
i’ll know soon….. i leave in 45 mins, then i’ll have a much better idea. thanks for the positive thinking!
Hope everything went well James!
Best of luck!