It feels good to be back in my own kitchen, making a cup of tea this morning. We were out of town the past week visiting family, and while it was nice, it is wonderful to be back home in the peace and quiet. I owe an apology to Terri HarpLady for not contacting her about having tea while we were in St. Louis! My father-in-law has cancer and isn’t doing well, and my fiancee’s brother, sister-in-law and two children are living at his parent’s house while their new house is built, so we really didn’t have a minute to ourselves this trip. Hopefully next time! We didn’t even get a chance to go by The London Tea Room to purchase more tea, which was very sad.
I have this Mango tea more often as iced tea rather than hot. It’s definitely good in the summer, served over ice and lightly sweetened. Although a cup of this tea hot this morning is doing very nicely as well! The mango flavor isn’t overwhelming or artificial, it’s just very light and fruity. There is a fresh mango aftertaste that is just right. With a little bit of milk and sweetener it becomes a more creamy cup. Today is going to be a hot summer day, and this was the perfect cup to start the day with!
-Dry blend has medium black tea leaves with yellow petals, small orange petals and pieces of dried fruit.
-Dry leaves smell sweet and fruity. Tea liquor aroma is of tropical mango.
-Tea liquor is a clear medium reddish orange color.
-Light fruity flavor and finish. Small mango aftertaste.
-Best with milk and sweetener.
-Good tea. A creamy cup with a light sweet mango flavor.