First of all – Frank, I love your teas, I truely do, but you have to find a better method for sealing the bottoms of your sample pouches. Today makes the second time I’ve taken a pouch out of the 12 Days of X-mas sampler only for most of it to fall out the unsealed bottom and make a huge mess on my floor. I also have a few that spilled their guts inside the box including the new mystery tea (which is no longer a mystery – sorry) and mixed together a little bit.
But enough of my whining, I really did enjoy this tea. The cinnamon tastes a bit more like those camdy cinnamon hearts than cinnamon rolls – sharp and hot vs warm and mellow. There’s a nice baked flavour that comes pretty close to the taste of pastery dough and the honeybush’s natural sweetness makes it seem like a dessert in a cup.