Another offering from the Travelling Teabox (which’ll hopefully go out this weekend). The leaves were long and thin and a mid-green colour, making them look a bit like conifer needles of some sort. The length of the leaves made it diffcult to fit them into the tea scoop so I guesstimated the amount. I don’t have a scale sensitive enough to measure by weight unfortunately.
I found that the first steep was rather weak, likely due to me not adding enough leaves. It began with a slightly vegetal taste at the beginning and changed into a surprisingly sweet taste.
For the second steep I added more tea and steeped it for 3 min, which produced what I’d say was a good, normal-strength brew. The flavour profile was pretty much the same going from greenly vegetale initially to delicately sweet, but I also picked up a slightly bitter herbal taste at the very end. It was quite faint and it didn’t make the tea unpalatable – quite the opposite actually, since I think it kept the tea from tasting too cloying. The whole thing is nice and smooth-tasting without any unpleasent astringency or weird aftertastes.
In my opinion it’s one of the better green tea that I’ve tried – I’d rank it in my top five at least.