This tea has shown me:
1. My experience of floral qualities can be significantly affected by steep time. I thought of myself as picky about floral teas, so I was quick to write off this tea after a first session that was just too floral for me. But with this tea as well as Liquid Proust’s Silver Jasmine, a shorter steep time has been transformative. When I shortened the first steep to 15-30 sec, I had an enjoyable session with both teas.
2. Cold brewing continues to surprise me. First, this tea transferred much more flavor in a shorter amount of time than I would have ever guessed from my previous experiments in cold brewing. Particularly for a green tea. And second, the flavor profile shifted: while the 176°F infusion was predominantly floral, the cold brew focused on the citrus flavor—and specifically pomelo! My favorite was an 8hr re-steep of the cold brewed leaves, which yielded a light infusion with subtle floral notes and refreshing pomelo (grapefruit-like) flavor.