Dry green curls emit a toasty scent and unfurl quickly once wet to reveal their leafy form. Oh yes, my senses are going to enjoy this one.
The first steep smells sweet and creamy, a really fantastic aroma. Very light liquor, light, milky flavor—there is more strength in the aroma than the flavor for this steep—smooth mouthfeel, a sweet aroma clings to empty cup and I’m left with a creamy sensation in the mouth.
The second steep is also creamy, sweet and aromatic. I’m not getting much vegetal taste or any sourness, but that could just be my tastebuds.
In the third steep I’m starting to get those vegetal notes, and I think the sourness is just barely there. The sourness starts to come out more in the following steeps, which I had to wait a couple hours to get to. So interesting how the taste has evolved, and it still has that creamy mouthfeel that lingers after I’m done.
Flavors: Creamy, Fruity, Sour, Sweet, Vegetal