The moment the swimming gossamer surface of this heavenly tea did touch my heathen parchèd lips, I felt an instant sense of airy jubilation accompanied by the distinctive tang which is solely felt through sampling that which is of the Gods, with a touch of Goodwill towards All Mankind mixed in for good measure. I was immediately transported back to my childhood days of simple joy and naïveté in the lush primeval paradise that is the Garden of England, or for the ignorant among us here, Kent.
Such a sensorial pleasure is this tea that I dare not drink it in public for fear of losing what dignity that has been afforded to me by Providence.
You’ve only written three ratings, and by God, they are the best ratings I have ever read! I can’t stop laughing…
You’ve only written three ratings, and by God, they are the best ratings I have ever read! I can’t stop laughing…
That’s why I had to feature this post on the homepage!
WOW – I am speechless – Thanks for sharing your passionate insights and experiences of our Iron Goddess of Mercy – It’s truly an honor!