I was thinking one day, while on my break at work, “Man! I need some new tea!” Even though my tea cabinet is full of several kinds, and variations of teas.So, I went to Price Cutter, thinking, they’re not gonna have what I want. I was browsing, and a red box caught my eye. I picked it up and looked it over. I put it up to my nose and the aroma had me hooked. I got back to work and opened the box,my mouth starting watering the instant I smelled it again. A coworker asked for a couple of bags, and we would compare tea notes the next day. I eagerly went home, and started the tea pot. The wait was killing me! Finally it had steeped to perfection! I added a couple of teaspoons of sugar, and I was hooked! I now have like 3 boxes of this stuff! I love it as much as I love my chais! Sooooo gooooood!!!