Tea #8 from the HHTTB
ooh, minty. If there is ever a flavored tea I will love, it will likely contain mint. I love mint, Peppermint and spearmint. Most of the mint teas I’ve had are heavy on the peppermint, so spearmint is a nice change of pace.
The tea doesn’t smell so minty, though. It has a unique herbal and woody smell. It’s not bad, but if that was also what the tea tasted like, I don’t think I would like it so much.
The dominant flavor is definitely the mint. The cinnamon and clove impart a spicy sensation, but I don’t detect them directly. As some others have noted, this tastes mostly like an herbal blend. I wouldn’t have guessed that it had an oolong base if I didn’t know.
It’s probably not such a quality blend in terms of the balance of flavors, but I like it nonetheless.
Yay another success of what I added for you! I’m on a roll!