My cold brew of the day before I dash off to lab where we’re going to race apple snails. This one smells very rooibos-y in the bag, and the flavor is still there in the tea. It’s not as mediciney as some that I’ve had. It actually doesn’t taste too bad, and I wouldn’t mind it much except that it feels like it’s covering up the other flavors. I get blueberry, especially in the aftertaste. And I feel like there’s a bit of creamy sweetness going on here, but nothing that I would call cheesecake. I have enough to try this hot, so I’ll have to do that soon and compare.
8 min or more
Racing snails?!
Yep! That’s what happens when the professor lets the students design an experiment. One person was set on some kind of snail-related gambling, so we just went with it.