Just ordered some new 2014 teas from Camellia Sinensis, this is the first one I decided to try.
First steep struck me as very crisp and refreshing (didn’t expect that). With subtle buttery and vegetal flavours, also a bit of sweetness, spice (cinnamon).
Second steep brought out a floral flavour (jasmine) and a nice velvety texture to the tea liquor.
Finally on the third steep the terroir came out. I expected to taste it a lot sooner, but I might just need to change the tea amount/steep time a bit.
Fourth through sixth steeps were consistent on the flavour. Overall they were a nice balance of the previous cups but still light as opposed to strong/bold on the flavour. I decided to stop on the sixth steep because the dryness was starting to dominate the mouth feel.
My expectations were met with this tea, but I still feel that some changes to the tea parameters (amount and steep time) might yield better results. I’m looking forward to many more short steep sessions to get my perfect cup of tea.
Tea steeped: rinse, 30s, 45s, 1m, 1m 30s, 2m, 2m 30s.