I’m sad to say I’m not too pleased with this one. It has a lovely flavor, but it is too mild! Maybe my water should be hotter, maybe I should steep longer…I’ll try again later with some different circumstances and see.

It was very smooth, and had that nice, earthy Assam taste I love so much (malty with honey-notes), just not enough of it. I’ll update once I try it again.
I tried it again at a rolling boil for 5 minutes, and it was marginally better. I think this tea is old! I can’t help but wodner if my friends at SpecialTeas (whom I normally trust and who usually send me GREAT teas) sent me stale tea from last year? It is just plain ol’ lackluster, with little flavor and none of that Assam POP that I love so. Sigh.

195 °F / 90 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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I am from Atlanta, Georgia, and I used to live in Japan. I love tea. Indian blacks are my favorite, though I am learning a lot about Chinese greens and, ultimately, I love all tea.


San Francisco

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