I’m pretty excited about this one because I love everything that is in the name! it’s like it was blended for me…. but it wasn’t!
Anyways opened up the pouch and was hit with a very yummy baking cookies kinda smell… which only got me more excited. I made 2 32oz pots with different sets of leaves to check to see how much different rations of bits affect the flavor. AKA… where is the majority of the flavor? In the leaves or in the decoration bits. I’m a curious cat today! And I didn’t put anything in these two pots… so now… drum roll
Pot that happened to get more decoration bits in my 3 and 1/2 random scoops:
Since this had a lot of white chocolate chips I expected it not to need sugar but I think it does. Since I was expected smooth nutty and sweet… and those flavor aren’t as present as I would like… I’m picking up more astringency than I normally do from franks blends. That might just be my taste buds on over drive looking for more sweet and nut flavors…
So yea… plain pot with lots of chips and things… disappointing. I’ll be trying it with milk and sugar later but I really like teas that I don’t have to put anything in.
Pot with no decoration bits!:
Yep… the bits make a difference. The black tea taste is much stronger in this pot. There’s some nuttiness but its missing the buttery smoothness that must have been coming from the chips.
Experiment completed… I’m having this with milk and sugar next.
This is a really weird tea. It’s definitely stronger than his other black tea blends. Some days it’s really good, other days it’s kind of weird. I think it tasted a bit better when it cooled down a bit.
I think I remember liking it hotter… because of that buttery taste. I’m happy someone else is noticing the differences between the flavors you get from the scoops. I’m almost wondering if you can’t really form an opinion of the teas with bits until you get through an ounce or two. I think i find that very annoying but they all look really yummy.
This is a really weird tea. It’s definitely stronger than his other black tea blends. Some days it’s really good, other days it’s kind of weird. I think it tasted a bit better when it cooled down a bit.
I think I remember liking it hotter… because of that buttery taste. I’m happy someone else is noticing the differences between the flavors you get from the scoops. I’m almost wondering if you can’t really form an opinion of the teas with bits until you get through an ounce or two. I think i find that very annoying but they all look really yummy.