drank Caramel Vanilla Chai by 52teas
639 tasting notes

This tea seems to bring out the storyteller in me. Soooo, crazy story first! Tea review second! I just got home from buying lunch. I walk in the door and my cat jumps off a chair to greet me. I walk into the other room for a second and come back. My cat is in the corner, hunched over. I recognize that hunch instantly. He’s caught something.

I figured it’s probably just a mouse. Sure enough, he picks something up in his mouth and walks towards me. He drops it at my feet and steps back. All I saw was a bunch of legs in the air, and I turned and ran for the kitchen! That is no mouse!! What is it?! What is it??? I tried to make myself look at it, but he’s brought me things before that aren’t entirely dead. What if it’s a giant spider and it jumps at me! AHH! I kept trying to look at it, but I hadn’t even turned all the lights on in the room yet and it was GIANT!! I’m convinced it was a giant spider. Like a wolf spider or something.

I went back to the kitchen and grabbed a big Tupperware thing. My idea was I’ll put the Tupperware over it and slide a piece of paper underneath. Then I’ll be able to take the carcass, dead or alive, outside and dump it. I finally found Tupperware that was big enough and walked back into the other room. And what do I see?? My cat EATING the spider!!! AHHHH!!!! I couldn’t even bring myself to get close to him until it was completely eaten. So gross! OMG! What if it’s poisonous??! What will it do to him?! AHHH!!!!! I’m soooo freaked out!!! I immediately called my mother and she told me to call the vet. So far, my cat is acting perfectly normal so I think he’s okay. I’m just going to watch him carefully for a few hours.

Oh oh ohhh! So gross. I’m so grossed out. I HATE spiders and that thing was gigantic! I can’t believe he ate that. Shiver He was really chewing it too. Crunch crunch crunch. Blech! And that thing was in my apartment!! What if there’s more?! I’m going to have creepy crawlies all day. We have a centipede infestation right now. Maybe the spider came in to eat them! Ugh, I’d take centipedes over spiders any day.

Okay, now on to the tea review. I’m just finishing up what’s left of this sample from the 52teas Christmas sampler. Yes, I know. Christmas was over 6 months ago. But this tea’s held up surprisingly well! It’s very spicy, and I’m getting a strong caramel flavor. I think the vanilla is in there somewhere contributing to the overall splendid flavor. But the caramel and spice notes are the strongest to me. Yum! I’m so glad I got to enjoy one last cup of this tea. It’s delicious! Raising the rating from 78 to 82.

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec
Show 12 previous comments...
Fjellrev 13 years ago

That must have been one huge spider!

Bonnie 13 years ago

Crunch! What a good story! You’re going to need lots of comforting tea today!

Indigobloom 13 years ago

ohmygoodness! go for a walk!! get some air… no way I’d stick around the house all day after that :/

K S 13 years ago

I would move! I would walk into a pit of snakes before I’d go into a room with one gigantic spider. Don’t care of phobic that makes me. Take care of the kitty. He is my new hero.

CHAroma 13 years ago

Hahahahaha!! KS, you really made me laugh! I am definitely moving, but unfortunately the lease isn’t up until the end of October. 4 months to go! Once I was sure my kitty wasn’t going to puke up spider bits, I gave him treats so he knows he’s a good little hunter. Thank God for him!

Bonnie 13 years ago

Spiders only go one place in my house, close to the drain in the bathtub…looking for water in this arid climate! So what do I do… itsy bitsy spider went down the water spout…he he he….

CHAroma 13 years ago

Good plan, Bonnie!

Will Work For Tea 13 years ago

A crunchy spider?!? ACK! I’m highly afraid of bugs, so I feel your fright! Luckily my dogs don’t eat bugs – I don’t think I could get my puppy dog kisses from them anymore if I knew they did that …. :(

Azzrian 13 years ago

I have been overcoming my fear of spiders – although I LOVE reptiles, spiders have always freaked me OUT! Just how big was this really? I mean not that initial reaction of its the size of a dinosaur lol but really? I hope your kitty is okay! I imagine that animals eat insects like this all the time and we never know it.

Kittenna 13 years ago

Ohhhh I was shuddering for you that whole time! I don’t like spiders (and have never even met one that big, and I didn’t like when my cat would catch things and eat them! He ate a dragonfly once… I wouldn’t touch him for a day. Gahhhhhhhhh yuck!

Tabby 13 years ago

I love having a cat for that reason, though! She always finds/eats the creepy-crawlies before they get me!

CHAroma 13 years ago

@Azzrian, it was pretty big. Smaller than a mouse, but bigger than a quarter. I thought it was a baby mouse till I saw all the legs.

@Kittenna, LOL! What’s wrong with dragonflies? Hahaha! I think they eat spiders actually, so they’re okay in my book.

@Tabby, definitely! It’s good to have a little hunter in the house to protect us! :)

Kittenna 13 years ago

I like dragonflies; it was more the fact that I was grossed out that he ate it/worried he’d barf it back up onto me or something!!

CHAroma 13 years ago

Oh, I understand that fear. Luckily, my kitty persevered through the spider eating incident. Yay! Since then, the only spider I’ve seen (and immediately had the fiance kill) was a daddy long leg. shiver

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Fjellrev 13 years ago

That must have been one huge spider!

Bonnie 13 years ago

Crunch! What a good story! You’re going to need lots of comforting tea today!

Indigobloom 13 years ago

ohmygoodness! go for a walk!! get some air… no way I’d stick around the house all day after that :/

K S 13 years ago

I would move! I would walk into a pit of snakes before I’d go into a room with one gigantic spider. Don’t care of phobic that makes me. Take care of the kitty. He is my new hero.

CHAroma 13 years ago

Hahahahaha!! KS, you really made me laugh! I am definitely moving, but unfortunately the lease isn’t up until the end of October. 4 months to go! Once I was sure my kitty wasn’t going to puke up spider bits, I gave him treats so he knows he’s a good little hunter. Thank God for him!

Bonnie 13 years ago

Spiders only go one place in my house, close to the drain in the bathtub…looking for water in this arid climate! So what do I do… itsy bitsy spider went down the water spout…he he he….

CHAroma 13 years ago

Good plan, Bonnie!

Will Work For Tea 13 years ago

A crunchy spider?!? ACK! I’m highly afraid of bugs, so I feel your fright! Luckily my dogs don’t eat bugs – I don’t think I could get my puppy dog kisses from them anymore if I knew they did that …. :(

Azzrian 13 years ago

I have been overcoming my fear of spiders – although I LOVE reptiles, spiders have always freaked me OUT! Just how big was this really? I mean not that initial reaction of its the size of a dinosaur lol but really? I hope your kitty is okay! I imagine that animals eat insects like this all the time and we never know it.

Kittenna 13 years ago

Ohhhh I was shuddering for you that whole time! I don’t like spiders (and have never even met one that big, and I didn’t like when my cat would catch things and eat them! He ate a dragonfly once… I wouldn’t touch him for a day. Gahhhhhhhhh yuck!

Tabby 13 years ago

I love having a cat for that reason, though! She always finds/eats the creepy-crawlies before they get me!

CHAroma 13 years ago

@Azzrian, it was pretty big. Smaller than a mouse, but bigger than a quarter. I thought it was a baby mouse till I saw all the legs.

@Kittenna, LOL! What’s wrong with dragonflies? Hahaha! I think they eat spiders actually, so they’re okay in my book.

@Tabby, definitely! It’s good to have a little hunter in the house to protect us! :)

Kittenna 13 years ago

I like dragonflies; it was more the fact that I was grossed out that he ate it/worried he’d barf it back up onto me or something!!

CHAroma 13 years ago

Oh, I understand that fear. Luckily, my kitty persevered through the spider eating incident. Yay! Since then, the only spider I’ve seen (and immediately had the fiance kill) was a daddy long leg. shiver

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Entering the sweet blissful world of tea aromas!

Having discovered this website at the end of July 2011, I’m so excited to share my tea adventures with all of you! I grew up with my grandmother serving Twining’s English Breakfast with cream and sugar.

But on a trip to Seattle in 2010, I stumbled into a Chinese teashop and tried my first oolong tea. I was forever changed! I embarked on a startling new love for green and white teas.

With a world of teas to discover, I was inspired to keep a tea journal to record my thoughts and new favorites. Let’s get brewing!

My ratings are completely subjective and 100% my opinion. All ratings are given in relation to each other (ie. teas are rated in the order of my enjoyment of them). Therefore, my ratings will constantly change as I try more teas.

I love swapping!!! If you see something in my cupboard you’d like to try, just send me a message. If you’d like to trade, anything on my shopping list will do or feel free to send something else entirely. I’m willing to try almost anything (although I’m not really a fan of honeybush, red rooibos, pu’erh, Lapsang Souchong, & banana-flavored teas).


Maryland, USA

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