Disclaimer: I only had this as a sample in-store. I did ask for two samples, cuz I’m awesome like that. So this review is based on two shot-glass sized samples. With that out of the way…
I was really excited for this tea. I was hoping it would be a slightly spicier version of Oh! Canada!, and one with caffeine (since as much as I like herbals, I need me a jolt in the morning or else no dice). I love maple sugar candy, I love anything with cinnamon in it, I love tea. Maple sugar tea should be a no-brainer.
But, alas, how I am so easily disappointed. There was absolutely nothing about this tea that made me want to even spend $3 on a full cup. There was NOT the overwhelming taste of maple (it’s CALLED MAPLE SUGAR, FFS), there wasn’t even an overwhelming taste of cinnamon. Sure, I got hints of both. But to me this was a basic black tea with some artificial flavour and some shiny things thrown in to look pretty in the loose leaf mix. To fool the brain into thinking there’s something “real” in it. You know what I mean.
Maple sugar tea, oh how you disappoint me so.
Verdict: will not buy. I might finally give this a chance to further disappoint me with a full cup of it when it’s their tea of the day again. What’s $3?!