drank Black Satin by 52teas
1353 tasting notes

I’m still avoiding the Dashboard. I don’t know when I can look at it again safe from spoilers, so in the meantime if you post about something that might interest me and IS NOT from 52teas, could you link me please? I don’t want to know what’s in that christmas box until I can look for myself (and even if it’s something that ISN’T from the christmas box I’ll know it’s not in there. I don’t want to know what’s not in it either!)

Anyway, this one has been lying around in my kitchen for quite a long time. Black Satin was one of the first things I tried from 52teas ever, and I rather fell for it. So I ordered another pouch when it was gone. And then that second one has been lying around in the Bits’n’Bops Basket more or less since while I tried to remember why it was that I liked it so much.

For some unknown reason suddenly the idea of the blend seemed violently unpleasant to me and I had no wish to drink it again ever.

Tonight however it just sort of popped into my head that it was the natural tea to have this evening. And no, I don’t know why that was either.

It tastes like old times. I remember my first ever order from 52teas. I remember badgering Frank into sorting out taxes and customs involved in shipping to Denmark, and the glee when he agreed. I remember the crushing disappointment when I got the first package and realised that it’s seriously stupid to buy a blend with dates when you don’t like dates. At all. And then it just got worse when I realised that I don’t care for pumpkin either. Thankfully I managed to get rid of the mistakes and didn’t give up on 52teas.

That was the metaphorical flavour. The actual real flavour has less licorice in it than I remember and not as much cinnamon. And yet the black tea isn’t dominating the flavour. This really is well balanced, and if you like licorice it’s a one to try.

Why was it that it suddenly seemed so unappealing to me?

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Ewa 14 years ago

! I hadn’t even thought about the whole spoiler issue – argh, I’m gonna have to start avoiding the dashboard, too

Angrboda 14 years ago

You haven’t got yours yet either? Poor us!

No, I don’t really like spoilers. It depends on what it’s for of course, but if it’s a book/film/series that I really like I hate spoilers. For other things I can live with a little spoileryness. But not in a christmas calendar. That’s not fair.

I’m only watching the notifications tab at the moment.

Jaime 14 years ago

Spoileryness. I’m stealing that word now!

Angrboda 14 years ago

It’s an awesomesauce word too. :D

Ewa 14 years ago

I’ve gotten mine, BUT I promised my family to not start it up until everyone was together for the holidays which will not happen for ANOTHER BILLION YEARS (or a week, if you want that in non-hyperbolic time) Hope you get yours soon!

Funny, I usually don’t mind spoilers at all, but I really want to discover each tea myself.

Angrboda 14 years ago

Argh that must be so frustrating! I have the scratch-card christmas calendar thing. I only need three more reindeers to win 5000 kr (!!!) which is the third largest prize (I haven’t got a glimmer of a chance of the first and second prize) and it’s SO HARD not to scratch all the remaining days right now. (It’s about $900)

Southern Boy Teas 14 years ago

I’m glad you didn’t give up on us too. And I don’t think anyone is posting any spoilers yet.

Angrboda 14 years ago

I just had to find my feet with you, Frank. :) Fruit and berries. I shall stick to fruit and berries. That just can’t seem to go wrong. :D
I’m sure you would know. :) But I just don’t dare take the chance. I really don’t want to know what’s in it until I can see for myself. (Why aren’t they, though???)

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Ewa 14 years ago

! I hadn’t even thought about the whole spoiler issue – argh, I’m gonna have to start avoiding the dashboard, too

Angrboda 14 years ago

You haven’t got yours yet either? Poor us!

No, I don’t really like spoilers. It depends on what it’s for of course, but if it’s a book/film/series that I really like I hate spoilers. For other things I can live with a little spoileryness. But not in a christmas calendar. That’s not fair.

I’m only watching the notifications tab at the moment.

Jaime 14 years ago

Spoileryness. I’m stealing that word now!

Angrboda 14 years ago

It’s an awesomesauce word too. :D

Ewa 14 years ago

I’ve gotten mine, BUT I promised my family to not start it up until everyone was together for the holidays which will not happen for ANOTHER BILLION YEARS (or a week, if you want that in non-hyperbolic time) Hope you get yours soon!

Funny, I usually don’t mind spoilers at all, but I really want to discover each tea myself.

Angrboda 14 years ago

Argh that must be so frustrating! I have the scratch-card christmas calendar thing. I only need three more reindeers to win 5000 kr (!!!) which is the third largest prize (I haven’t got a glimmer of a chance of the first and second prize) and it’s SO HARD not to scratch all the remaining days right now. (It’s about $900)

Southern Boy Teas 14 years ago

I’m glad you didn’t give up on us too. And I don’t think anyone is posting any spoilers yet.

Angrboda 14 years ago

I just had to find my feet with you, Frank. :) Fruit and berries. I shall stick to fruit and berries. That just can’t seem to go wrong. :D
I’m sure you would know. :) But I just don’t dare take the chance. I really don’t want to know what’s in it until I can see for myself. (Why aren’t they, though???)

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Introvert, crafter, black tea drinker, cat lover, wife, nerd, occasional curmudgeon.

Contact Angrboda by email: iarnvidia@gmail.com

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Bio last updated February 2020



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