I bought this one at the same time as I bought the honey vanilla chai I posted about earlier. As I mentioned then, it has become a habit of Husband to have some chamomile before bedtime because he feels it makes him sleep better. I then decided to try and cultivate the same habit and am therefore shopping around a bit in the world of herbal bags. Bags because with herbal tea, I’m just not that bothered if it’s loose or not. I’m not interested in herbal teas in the same way.
So I’m searching for something that is calming and also if not pleasant then at least not undrinkable. I don’t care for chamomile, so I can’t just follow Husband’s example.
So far I’ve had a yogi tea with lime and mint which was okay and one that tasted like it was just about nothing else than hot ginger which was most emphatically not okay. There are some bags of just plain peppermint, but I mostly keep those around because when ill it’s the only thing I can really drink as peppermint is one of the few things that don’t end up tasting weird.
And now this one. Of the things I’ve tried so far, I prefer this one. I wouldn’t say it’s great tasting, but it’s good enough. It has ginger in it, but I can’t really pick it up. Must be only a small amount.
All in all a quite inoffensive blend, and that is just what I’m looking for. Therefore I am scoring it high. Not because I think the flavour alone warrants it, but because it does the job I need it to do and thereby provides a pleasant experience all in all. And that warrants a higher score in and of itself, don’t you think?
Another point in its favour: When the box was empty, Luna was ever so cute being affected by the minty smell of it. Makes a very good cat toy! I’m on my second box now.
Additional note: I would dearly love to have some of the Sleepytime vanilla variant. I thought I had found a webshop where I could buy it here as they had a picture of it on their website, but as it turned out I instead received the normal Sleepytime. At first I thought they had simply sent me the wrong product, but closer examination revealed that they actually had the wrong picture on their website. So I wrote them an email and explained that I had not received the product I thought I was buying and please could they correct the picture on the website as it was very misleading. I received a snippy reply that the name and ingredients on the website was for the normal sleepytime and that she didn’t know it was the wrong picture.
She didn’t know it was the wrong picture.
In other words, as I can read between the lines, the woman just told me that she can’t tell the difference between a green box and a cream-coloured box that says vanilla on it in big letters. She furthermore told me that she has no idea what is on her own website.
And apparently I was supposed to read the ingredients list through on something is more or less a known product to me, just to see if it says vanilla anywhere in it when the picture is large and says vanilla on it in big letters.
The word ‘sorry’ or the word ‘apology’ were never used once in any of the correspondance I had with this woman, so in a fit of pique I returned the lot.
This means, however, that I am still without Sleepytime Vanilla and ready to accept that I’m going to need some help from my international Steepsterites if I ever want some at all. Could one of you good people out there be persuaded to buy me 2-3 boxes and send them to me? I can paypal the money for the boxes and postage to you or I can send you something of you choice and equal value in return.
hi! if you have Trader Joes, they sell a vanilla variant of a sleepytime or at least herbal/black blend. cheerio
I’ve yet to see Sleepytime Vanilla here in Canada, however if I do I’ll definitely buy you a few boxes and send it your way.
Oh, you have no idea how many people I’ve messaged trying to remember who it was that wanted Sleepytime Vanilla… :$ Anyway. I found quite a bit (four boxes)! Send me a PM with your address and I’ll happily send it your way.
hi! if you have Trader Joes, they sell a vanilla variant of a sleepytime or at least herbal/black blend. cheerio
No, that doesn’t exist in Denmark at all. I don’t even know what sort of shop that is. :)
I’ve yet to see Sleepytime Vanilla here in Canada, however if I do I’ll definitely buy you a few boxes and send it your way.
Oh, you have no idea how many people I’ve messaged trying to remember who it was that wanted Sleepytime Vanilla… :$ Anyway. I found quite a bit (four boxes)! Send me a PM with your address and I’ll happily send it your way.
MissB, you’re a star. :D