A setting is being demanded of me, so here I am (I quote) with my delightful boyfriend (who’s really putting up nicely with all this abuse) on a sunday afternoon. I had some of this this morning and discovered that I liked it a lot cold too, so I made a pitcher of it and put it in the fridge for later. It is now later.
For experimental reasons I added just a pinch of peppermint to it, because I was reminded of that peppermint/liquorice root herbal stuff that two of my colleagues favour. That one is I think about two thirds peppermint and one third liquorice root, and I find it far too pepperminty for me, which is why I only added a pinch of it to this.
I think it turned out very nice. It’s like it’s sweet, but it’s not sugar-sweet. Another time though I think I’ll add a little more peppermint to the mix because I can’t really pick up what I added to this one. Obviously I haven’t found the golden middle road yet.