Disappearing Tardis Mug from Teaware

Disappearing Tardis Mug

From Who to Eternity!

Remember when the tenth Doctor first arrived on the scene? All he needed was a good cup of tea to really get going. And once some hot liquids got into him (well, into the TARDIS . . . well, into the Doctor’s lungs . . . well . . . ), he was really able to strut his stuff. And now you can too, with this awesome Doctor Who Heat Changing TARDIS Mug.

See, the TARDIS starts in London, resting calmly on a city street. All you need to do is add hot liquids (such as tea), and the TARDIS disappears (sound effects not included) and reappears on the other side in deep space. WhereRead more

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3 Reviews View all

  • “HA. YES. Because I’m a nerd and I love Doctor Who. A mug is a mug! This one is very special because… DISAPPEARING TARDIS OKAY.” Read full review
  • “I have this mug…if you’re a doctor who fan…it’s awesome!!! Now I know it’s just a picture but any whovian would say otherwise. It’s my daily tea mug…just awesome. Only a couple downfalls, after you...” Read full review
  • “I swear, every time I pour tea in this mug, I immediately make the tardis noises as the tardis miraculously disappears from the streets of london to reappear in the depths of the time vortex. Any...” Read full review

3 Reviews

726 tasting notes

Because I’m a nerd and I love Doctor Who.
A mug is a mug! This one is very special because… DISAPPEARING TARDIS OKAY.

Shmiracles 12 years ago

want want want! hah

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29 tasting notes

I have this mug…if you’re a doctor who fan…it’s awesome!!! Now I know it’s just a picture but any whovian would say otherwise. It’s my daily tea mug…just awesome. Only a couple downfalls, after you hand wash it (not dishwasher safe…oh well) don’t leave it wet, the plastic costing that show the disappearing tardis will bubble and eventually come off. But aside from that, it’s just so cool…now to get my doctor who TARDIS teapot:)

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7 tasting notes

I swear, every time I pour tea in this mug, I immediately make the tardis noises as the tardis miraculously disappears from the streets of london to reappear in the depths of the time vortex. Any whovian would be thrilled to receive this mug as a gift.

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