Unusual. These are really big, burly leaves with some really light colored/green leaves mixed in. Herbal, seaweed, roast, cherry, dark. The seaweed hits first followed by an herbal, woody, autumnal dark flavor. The aftertaste is that cherry candy aftertaste.
Not sure how I feel on this one. I think the seaweed/green flavor will fade as will the gnarly roast. The cherry hints at some future sweetness. Right now it is not a profile I enjoy. It is interesting and complex, but not for me.
Also, some sooty(?) dirty stuff floating around that doesn’t seem to full wash out.
Flavors: Autumn Leaf Pile, Cherry, Herbaceous, Roasted, Seaweed
Strong cooling in my throat after awhile. But also, kinda a postnasal drip sensation that makes me think I’m having a mild allergy reaction.