drank Steeped Tea by Tim Hortons
150 tasting notes

It honestly pulls at my Canadian heart strings that this is even on Steepster. Ohhhh Canada! I usually order this if I’m out and about and with my boyfriend. That’s the reason I am drinking it right now (thanks honey!)

It’s your typical orange pekoe, nothing special, just creamy and gives you a jolt. It has a bit of an after taste and leaves your tongue very dry. Doesn’t seem to matter what I eat with it.

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My passion for tea started at a very young age, thanks to my grandmothers beautiful china tea cup collection. I use to brew Tetley’s or whatever version of Orange Pekoe she had in the cupboard and pick out my favourite tea cup to use. It wasn’t until I was in my late teens that I really started to develop a passion for it. My town had the Urban Tea Merchant and it was there I was exposed to high tea and the very fancy Mariage Freres brand. When they switched over to The O Dor, my girlfriend and I found salvation in going for a lovely cup of tea and decompress with some tea scones.

It has since become an obsession. I have a tea cupboard, filled with a very large variety of teas. I also use the Breville Tea Maker to make my tea. I favour black teas, with a close second being North African Mint Green Tea. Because I have the luxury of working from home, I get to enjoy a wonderful cup of tea every morning, and the journey resets daily.


Vancouver, Canada

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