First infusion i thing less than 10 seconds gave me an amazing experience. I thought that sheng can give u nothing but punch in the face either with its overwhelming richness or pungent astringency. This one was different. Rich yes, but not overwhelming, rather like soft pillow that surrounds your face when going to bed in tent during summer trip. Very sweet, i have found that sweetness similar to Heart of the old tree from Mandala Tea, its awesome tasting experience – especialy when u wait and see what happens on your tongue a while after drinking it. For me – pure raisins in carmel. Guess i might give up all the sweets and just drink that tea instead. Further infusions brough another dimmensions to the tea, rising the astringency – the longer brewing time, the more punchy it becomes.
It smells and tastes wonderfull, so nicely that i made full 1/2 liter cup of tea by mixing half of every infusion i was making (another half i was drinking to taste it) and got it by my bed so i could sip it whenever i wanted (didnt lasted long tho :)). Very nice sheng.
Flavors: Caramel, Raisins, Sweet, Warm Grass, Tobacco
A fantastic bargain with this tea. Perfect storage and good pricing too.
Great review.