6 Tasting Notes

drank Buccaneer by SerendipiTea
6 tasting notes

Steeped for about 3 min. Very nice coconut and vanilla flavors. Didn’t really taste a chocolate flavor, but very yummy.

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drank Black Chai by Pampered Tea Party
6 tasting notes

Steeped for about 3 min and it was just right. Not too strong and not too weak. I did not add milk as I prefer all my tea without, but I believe this would tast wonderful with milk as well. Loved the mix of the black assam, rooibos and spices.

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Very nice fruity and tangy flavor. The hibiscus really stands out, but not so much of the orange peel and lemongrass. I don’t taste much of a strawberry flavor, but it still tastes very good.

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drank Oolong by Pampered Tea Party
6 tasting notes

Love this tea. It has a very soothing nutty taste and was very comforting to drink. It also helped curb my appetite. I could drink this every day.

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drank Passion Blend by Sterling Tea
6 tasting notes

I could taste either the papaya or pineapple I wasn’t quite sure which one, but mostly it tasted like green tea with a hit of black and a little fruity flavor to it. Not a big fan of this one.

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I truley enjoyed this tea. It was a wonderful loose leaf tea that had a warm honey flavor and it really made me drowsy and I did sleep better. I wouldn’t recommend drinking it during the day.

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