I’d been wanting to try this tea for a couple of years now, ever since I found out about the Charleston Tea Plantation. Why? Because it was “Amurrcan” gash-durrnit! Seriously, it’s from one of only two active tea growers in the country. And it’s a robust, sometimes average, blunt, spry, and crisp orange pekoe. Not unlike a certain upstart country I’m proud to live in.

PS ~ Thank you, Jaime, for sending this one along!

195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 0 sec

It tastes better if you’re actually sitting at the plantation when you’re sipping it. Wish they sold this one in loose leaf.

Geoffrey Norman

Trust me, the actual plantation is on my to-do list. And, yeah, it is a bummer that this one isn’t in loose form, but I guess pyramid’ll do.

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It tastes better if you’re actually sitting at the plantation when you’re sipping it. Wish they sold this one in loose leaf.

Geoffrey Norman

Trust me, the actual plantation is on my to-do list. And, yeah, it is a bummer that this one isn’t in loose form, but I guess pyramid’ll do.

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I moonlight as a procrastinating writer and daylight as a trader of jack. I appreciate good tea, good beer, and food that is bad for me. Someday I’ll write the great American novel. And it’ll probably have something to do with tea or beer…or both. In the meantime, I subsist.

Tea Blog: http://www.steepstories.com

TeaCuplets: http://lazyliteratus.tumblr.com/





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