So, today’s taste-off… Pai mu tan! Wait wait… maybe it’s a white peony… no… it’s a bai mu dan. No…
What’s with the AKAs, you know?
This tea is soft and sweet and pleasant, with a grassy/cucumber taste to the sip. There’s an astringent, dry feeling towards the end that ends with a kind of lingering, crisp pepper-y-ness flavor.
I’m not a huge fan of unflavored white tea, as it tends to be a little more… delicate than I think I truly appreciate at this point. It’s good, it tastes good, but it’s not quite the tea I want to drink, you know?
This was a trial against Teavivre’s White Peony, the non-organic version that they so graciously included with my order. The Teavivre version won by a slight margin. Though, we are only comparing first steepings, and Missy pointed out that the leaves from Teavivre look like they’ve barely warmed up. They probably have a good two or three steepings left to them.