Running low on this tea, so I thought I’d drink some this morning to help the supply dwindle a little more (not that I don’t like this tea or want it around—I just could use the tin space xD). It was pleasant as always, with that awesome nutty flavor from long-steeped rooibos. I’ve been steeping all rooibos teas a little longer than normal recently, and have had good results. I approve of the almost pecan-like flavor that sits on your tongue like a contentedly napping cat. :)
Anyway, I’ll make this one short. I love this tea, as it pairs beautifully with way more teas than Teavana lists here. I’ll probably get more eventually, just right now there are more pressing matters. Like tin space. Since moving in with the new hubby, I’ve discovered that we’re going to have to create a space outside of our tiny pantry in which to store tea, because there’s just not room for it all. Combined, we probably have around 70. It’s kind of mind blowing.