Caramel Apple

Tea type
Fruit Herbal Honeybush Rooibos Blend
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Apple, Spices, Sweet, Wood, Cinnamon, Cream
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Edit tea info Last updated by Tabby
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 45 sec 9 oz / 266 ml

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  • “Another sipdown for the evening! (273!) I like how tasty this is for a tea bag. Not to mention it’s another nice to have in the evening sort of tea for those nights or days when i don’t want my...” Read full tasting note
  • “Another tea I took out of the GCTTB. This is tasty, but it’s another tea who’s name doesn’t make sense. There is no cinnamon in caramel apples. This is apple pie, or apple crisp, or something...” Read full tasting note
  • “So.. I got hungry and decided to have a “close to midnight snack” :) this tea paired with smore’s Pop Tarts… Pretty dang tasty. Mmmmmmm :)” Read full tasting note
  • “From the Great Canadian TTB. This one smells so good. It smells strongly of sour green apples (my favorite) and it also smells very sweet. I brewed this one two bags for 8 oz. It actually turned...” Read full tasting note

From Zhena's Gypsy Tea

A naturally caffeine-free organic blend of superior South African Rooibos and Honey Bush is paired with luscious and succulent apples, licorice root and hand plucked chamomile blossoms. The natural sweetness of caramel and the intoxicating scent of cinnamon and clove round out this health-inducing brew.

About Zhena's Gypsy Tea View company

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15 Tasting Notes

15596 tasting notes

Another sipdown for the evening! (273!) I like how tasty this is for a tea bag. Not to mention it’s another nice to have in the evening sort of tea for those nights or days when i don’t want my usual black. thanks again kallieboo!

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1040 tasting notes

Another tea I took out of the GCTTB.

This is tasty, but it’s another tea who’s name doesn’t make sense. There is no cinnamon in caramel apples. This is apple pie, or apple crisp, or something that is apple, cinnamon bakery goodness. Disappointed, wanted crisp tart apple, with caramel
Tasty but wrong name. :((


heh i keep forgetting that’s nearly to me…


Maybe there going for the historical reference Dex since apparently the early batches were made with a cinnamon candy coating.


OK, I buy that – but then it should be candy apple not caramel apple…
I just thought it didn’t live up to what was promised.


Totally see where you’re coming from.

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892 tasting notes

So.. I got hungry and decided to have a “close to midnight snack” :) this tea paired with smore’s Pop Tarts… Pretty dang tasty. Mmmmmmm :)


S’mores pop tarts … Those people are evil, I tell ya. I hadn’t been tempted by pop tarts in years. Then along came s’mores and chocolate chip cookie dough …


Lol I hear ya! When I was in 9th grade my mom sent me to China and I survived off of the chocolate chip cookies dough pop tarts for two weeks.

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871 tasting notes

From the Great Canadian TTB.

This one smells so good. It smells strongly of sour green apples (my favorite) and it also smells very sweet.

I brewed this one two bags for 8 oz. It actually turned out quite weak. I was disappointed in the taste. It is very flat. There is a slight apple flavour but I am not getting the same sour green tart taste that would go along with the smell. I do get a sweetness. Kind of like caramel. It actually mixes quite well with the rooibos.

This one gets slightly more flavourful as it cools but it is still pretty flat.

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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1598 tasting notes

Yay! Sipdown achieved today after all!

Thanks Sil

So I steeped the heck out of this walking between the office and getting caught up in a 10 minute conversation with my boss about GuildWars2 (him and his wife play and he was excited that I made a character).

Thankfully this can handle it. If anything it just brings the cinnamon out as that’s the prime ingredient I’m getting. And then apple. It’s very tasty for a bagged tea. The apple is really tasty. I don’t really get caramel but it’s enjoyable enouugh.

158 teas in the stash! :O

205 °F / 96 °C 8 min or more


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96 tasting notes

Smells a bit like an Airwick ‘Apple Cinnamon’ air freshener, and I’m not sure that’s something I like in a tea. One of Zhena’s other rooibos teas was actually my first experience with red tea ever (And it was not a good one) so I was a little skeptical about giving this one a shot—but I’m glad I did.

I nice light, sweet taste! Reminds me of a nice hot apple cider! It’s a delicious herbal tea to unwind with while watching Hoarders on A&E! (which is my monday night ritual, do not judge me).

5 min, 30 sec

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735 tasting notes

What’s this? A rooibos I can stand?? Sorry, had to get that out. This is a very mellow, lightly spiced tea. It still has a bit of that rooibos aftertaste that I don’t really like, but it somehow goes well with the apple, cinnamon, and chamomile flavor. The taste reminds me of real apple cider, just not as strong and sour.

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226 tasting notes

Hmm, I wish I’d have known this was a red rooibos before I selected it to bring to work with me today… Both the bag and the brew smell quite strongly of rooibos, pretty medicinal. However, from the brewed tea at least, I am getting quite hefty smells of caramel, like jarred caramel sauce after it’s been warmed. Not so much apple, though, and the chamomile isn’t earning it any points, either. (I’m only a fan of chamomile in certain applications, anyway, because it tends to taste like bland lemonade to me, without any of the citrus-y bite that lemonade should have… if that makes any sense.)

Whoa. In the first few sips, I’m getting nothing BUT apple and chamomile. The caramel didn’t show up until the fifth or sixth sip, and the rooibos has mercifully taken a backseat. The overall effect is not as unpleasant as it might have been, but still not something I’d ever think of and go “yeah, I’m in the mood for THAT.” I’ll probably finish this cup, but I definitely won’t be buying this. Thanks to IrishBreakfastLass for this one, though (I think… I may be remembering incorrectly who sent this to me, and if I got the wrong person, I’m sorry!). Glad I got to try it.

195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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35 tasting notes

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484 tasting notes

This is a sample I got from someone. Thank you mysterious benefactor!

It’s pretty tasty. It has a light flavor of apple pie that really complements the rooibos/honeybush blend. It’s not overwhelmingly sweet even though it has licorice root. I didn’t even know it had licorice root until I looked at the website, which is great since I tend to really dislike licorice root. This is all around a pretty satisfying lightly sweet, lightly spiced apple flavored tea. I would drink this again, but it’s probably not something I should pick up right now since licorice root is one of those things pregnant women are supposed to avoid. Oops! At least there’s not much in this blend.

Flavors: Apple, Spices, Sweet, Wood

Boiling 8 min or more 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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