Oolong Raspberry

Tea type
Oolong Tea
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Butter, Floral, Fruity, Raspberry, Smooth, Bitter, Sweet, Tart
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195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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11 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Ummm…. this is absolutely delicious! Thanks for passing some of this along as well, momo! The tea in my baggie looks like a dark rolled oolong, even though the picture shown here definitely looks...” Read full tasting note
  • “Thank you to DaisyChubb for sending me some of this Oolong! This is quite nice! The Oolong has a buttery taste to it, and I don’t know if the flavoring has just really brought the buttery flavor...” Read full tasting note
  • “Tea #20 from the ‘Here’s Hoping’ teabox. I am slowly becoming a fan of raspberry especially when paired with Oolong. With the first steep of this tea (3 minutes) the raspberry flavor was so light...” Read full tasting note
  • “I decided to make this after my failed chai and it did not improve my mood (also ladybugs faking death on your nightstand doesn’t help). Opening the bag was like being hit with a raspberry, which...” Read full tasting note

From ZenTea

Oolong with nice large rolled leaves with exceptional raspberry flavor. Great for several brews.

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11 Tasting Notes

6119 tasting notes

Ummm…. this is absolutely delicious! Thanks for passing some of this along as well, momo!

The tea in my baggie looks like a dark rolled oolong, even though the picture shown here definitely looks like a green oolong. Hrrrrrm.

Anyways, this tea smells like candy. Like really delicious, sweet, fruity, yummy candy. And that is exactly how the flavour is too – all candy-sweet and delicious atop a lovely creamy oolong base (so this is probably a green oolong that’s perhaps a bit old? Idk.) You know, this actually kind of tastes like cotton candy, in a way. I think I’d be hard-pressed to say that this is raspberry… it’s certainly a sweetened raspberry, if it is, because raspberries are usually more tart. It does have raspberry-ish tones to its fruit flavour, though, especially lingering in the aftertaste.

Regardless of accuracy, I’m really enjoying this tea! I haven’t had as many tasty flavoured oolongs as I would like, and this one is certainly filling a gap in there. I don’t think this is the first tea that I’ve really enjoyed from ZenTea; may have to look into trying more teas from there/making an order at some point! Thanks again momo!

ETA: Oooh, picking up some bitterness in the re-infusion, although it’s still tasty. Less candy-like, as other reviewers have mentioned. As with many teas, this one would be best with infusions done a bit closer together than 12+ hours, IMO. The leaves still had some aroma after this infusion, so we shall see if I end up re-steeping them again (possibly not; I have at least 6 other teas waiting their turn for an infuser downstairs, and I think 2 western-style infusions for most teas is pretty good!)

ETA again: I think I lied. Pretty sure the above re-steep was actually Leslie Grove Strawberry Patch. Drinking the proper infusion now, and I pretty much have the same opinion, except there is no astringency :) Also, it tastes more like raspberry.

195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 0 sec
Show 13 previous comments...
momo 12 years ago

they have way more teas than what’s on their website, especially because if you buy four pouches, they’re $6 each. next time I go back I need to really take a picture of their menu because I’ve given so many of their teas out in swaps and I could probably make it easier for people that way!

Azzrian 12 years ago


Azzrian 12 years ago

Yup just went to the website and it is not there. I would love to try this tea I will have to email them when I have tea money again!

Kittenna 12 years ago

Yeah, you should! I’ll have to look, but I seem to recall enjoying a few other teas you’ve sent me by them as well, and I’d probably be interested in trying more. (Actually, one of those teas may have been one with roasted cacao shell in it, ahahaha. And honeybush or rooibos.)

I especially would recommend this tea in particular to anyone who remotely likes such flavours… this definitely falls into the category of “why didn’t I try this sooner?!”

Kittenna 12 years ago

Yeah, I’m really enjoying this! Drinking it cold at this point, and it’s really hitting the spot.

Kittenna 12 years ago

Azzrian – this is a different company from ZenTeaLife. Correct me if I’m wrong, momo, but I think this http://www.ezentea.com is their website. I found it on there :)

TeaLady441 12 years ago

That sounds really good!

Also, it IS really confusing with the different Zen Tea companies out there. :|

momo 12 years ago

That is the website. Last time I was at Zen Tea, people had been sending Zen Tea Life sample requests to Zen Tea and I put two and two together and told her why people were asking for samples. She told me as of late last year they’ve had a trademark on the name Zen Tea. She did end up sending those people samples so I hope they know they came from a different company!

I’ll also see what I have currently, every time I go in there I get sucked in to the deal with buying 4 of them.

Sil 12 years ago

damn it… another company to look into since that “other” one has been voted off the island. oooh they have samplers…

sneaks off to her tea spreadsheet

Shmiracles 12 years ago

(wait…who was voted off the island? i like being educated)

momo 12 years ago

I’ll go back ASAP for you guys, I realize I said they are 4 for $24 but it was 4 for $20! So a bunch on there that are $8 are actually $5 if I get a bunch. The only ones that doesn’t apply to are the organic ones, those are the 4 for $24 ones if I recall correctly because I did buy one organic one once and it was $7

Kittenna 12 years ago

Schmiracles – ZenTeaLife did not handle a customer service issue very well, and some people are unhappy with them and therefore not ordering from there again. Really, good customer service pays…

ashmanra 12 years ago

Kittenna: I just posted a review of ZenTeaLife matcha. I paid $24, the website now says it costs $34.50 and is on sale for $19.99. It is decent matcha, but I was wondering if $34.50 is really their new price for this matcha. Do you know what the customer service issue was, or was it in a thread?

Sil 12 years ago

No thread…lots of ppl have had great issues. Long story short, there were some issues with the package, Indigobloom and I were made whole in terms of money, but we never got the tea, the hassle was a pain in the ass, and after being made to feel several times like it was my fault the package went missing it was only after I provided them with an example of good customer service, that they sort of made an effort…not to compensate me for the hassle but just to basically allow me to take advantage of the sale that I had already tried to. Soooo, if my business means that little, I’d rather not deal with the hassle since there are plenty of other companies out there who understand a thing or two about customer experience. :)

However, no issues with the overall product, if that makes sense….what few I tried before the mixup and hassle.

Indigobloom 12 years ago

I second what Sil said. They have wacky customer service standards. Who gives a refund without checking if its ok first?! I would have liked the option to have the tea sent out again (actually sent out, not implied lol)

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4843 tasting notes

Thank you to DaisyChubb for sending me some of this Oolong! This is quite nice!

The Oolong has a buttery taste to it, and I don’t know if the flavoring has just really brought the buttery flavor into focus more, or if it is just a very buttery Oolong. The raspberry is stronger in the aroma than it is in the first few sips, but now that I’m about halfway through the first two (combined) infusions, I notice the raspberry much more. I like the way the buttery tones of the Oolong and the raspberry notes play together.

Quite a pleasant cuppa. Thanks again, DaisyChubb!

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1118 tasting notes

Tea #20 from the ‘Here’s Hoping’ teabox.

I am slowly becoming a fan of raspberry especially when paired with Oolong. With the first steep of this tea (3 minutes) the raspberry flavor was so light it was almost floral. It was sweet and soft while just hinting at juicy berries. Combined with the buttery flavor of the Oolong the tea was delicious. The second steep (5 minutes) gave a tea that was all raspberry with almost no Oolong flavor to be found. I was kind of surprised at how strong the raspberry flavor was, but it was still wonderful. I may do a third steep later tonight just to see what happens.

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1220 tasting notes

I decided to make this after my failed chai and it did not improve my mood (also ladybugs faking death on your nightstand doesn’t help). Opening the bag was like being hit with a raspberry, which is totally acceptable, because it smells amazing.

First steep: I steeped it for 3 minutes and it hardly tastes like oolong. It tastes like it’s trying but it’s just overwhelmingly raspberry, but not a good kind of flavor. Kind of artificial.

Second steep: Upped it to 4 minutes. SO MUCH BETTER. This is how I like a flavored oolong. The oolong is there, and the raspberry fits in much better now. It’s a green oolong, and I get more of a vegetal taste from it, not much in the way of floral notes, although they could just be hiding with the raspberry flavor.

I wish it tasted more like real raspberries, but considering I basically bought this for $2.50 I am not going to complain too much.

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4338 tasting notes

thanks again Dinosara for the trade! First, I must mention there are too many tea companies with the word Zen in them. I am getting confused. (But I must also mention that my very favorite is Zentealife.com!) Also, suddenly I have so many oolongs to write tasting notes for! Where did they all come from?
This one is good! The leaves smell like a sweet ripe raspberry (my favorite!) The first steep was three minutes. The raspberry tastes like a raspberry candy, rather than a tart raspberry. The oolong is hiding! I really can’t taste any. With the second steep (at five minutes), somehow the raspberry tastes more genuine, but maybe that is the oolong helping with that. The oolong flavor is much more present this steep. It is very vegetal but sweet. Not very floral or peachy. I’ll have to try this one iced…

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516 tasting notes

Thank you thank you thank you Dinosara for this generous helping of deliciousness!

I knew I had to have it tonight, despite it being the evening. It’s 9:12 and I should stop steeping but… it tastes so so good.

This great buttery taste pairs with the raspberry flavour, that isn’t milky or creamy per se.. but it’s.. full flavoured and yummeh!
On the first steep the raspberry overwhelmed the rest of the flavours, but as I steep more I get a different balance of leafygreen oolong with just a hint of raspberry flavour. Delicate. Delicious.

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2201 tasting notes

I had a groupon for this tea company that was expiring in about a month, so I went ahead and bought the tea while I was already buying tea from other places. So expect a lot of new teas here for a while, because I have a ton of stuff to try!

Before my travels, I was really getting into oolongs, so a lot of my new teas are oolongs. I’ve always wanted to try the Raspberry Oolong from AC Perch’s, which is supposed to be awesome. Funny, that there aren’t very many raspberry oolongs out there from any tea company, but this one happened to have one, so I had to get some. The dry leaf pretty much hits you over the head with berry aroma. Sure, raspberry, but also just tons of all kinds of sweet-tart berries. There doesn’t seem to be any berry pieces in the dry leaf, but there is some kind of pinky-red petal in there… possibly hibiscus or rosehips, which is a bit surprising. Nibbling on a dry petal makes me think hibiscus. There aren’t very many of them in there, so we’ll see how they affect the steeped tea.

The tea brewed up really light yellow (no pinkness), and it smells tart-fruity and a bit floral. There’s also a bit of that green oolongy aroma in there. Despite the light color, the taste is pretty full. I’m enjoying it, but I do think it’s a tea that might not be for everyone. The raspberry flavoring is quite strong, especially as it cools, and it kind of drowns out the oolong itself, though I feel that it’s definitely lending a floral character to the fruit. And I can’t decide whether the flavoring might taste a bit artificial. I don’t get any hibiscus or that it’s too tart from this. Actually the aftertaste is rather sweet. Nevertheless, I am enjoying the pot and I will have no problem drinking up my ounces of this.

190 °F / 87 °C 3 min, 0 sec
Angrboda 13 years ago

Dinosara, if you shoot me a PM, I’ll set you up with a sample of the real deal and you can compare. It’s one of my standards so I’ve almost always got lots, and it appears I’m sitting on a bit of a gold mine here. :D Times like these I just luuuuurve being danish and having it available to me so easily. :D (And the AC Perch’s one does NOT contain rosehip or hibiscus)

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102 tasting notes

Smooth raspberry deliciousness. Tastes like the smell of a strawberry shortcake doll or a scratch and sniff sticker. I don’t usually go for the flavored teas, but when in the mood this hits the spot. Not too sweet or artificial.

Flavors: Butter, Floral, Fruity, Raspberry, Smooth

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29 tasting notes

The smell was tart and sweet, the raspberry very present in the scent. The taste was first a bit bitter and tart, but then turn to a smooth sweetness, which was a nice relief from the first surprise. For someone who has a sweet-tooth, this would be good transition tea.

Flavors: Bitter, Raspberry, Smooth, Sweet, Tart

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