I had the pleasure of trying this tea with JC this afternoon, along with several others. The leaves were a nice olive green and had those typical fresh sheng pu notes of fresh sweet grass, light floral, and something almost metallic. Early steeps had a soft texture, but revealed pleasant bittersweet grass and floral notes with some stone fruit and nice cooling effects between each sip. This tea is thick and has good cha qi, both of which along with kuwei and mouthfeel increase with each steep.
This is powerful stuff. Definitely not for someone with a gentle stomach. I am happy I tried this tea, but like many new shengs I think it needs time to settle into its own. Right now, it’s a very typical Mengku tea and not super outstanding yet. I can see its fruiter and cooling aspects shining through after a year or so. Definitely worth getting a sample of before the price goes up.
Agreed! It was good, but it was rough. I think it should air for a few months. We can try the rest of the sample them and see how’s doing. Lots of Cha Qi and fair lasting huigan.
Lucky dogs…
mrmopar. If you are ever up for meeting up for tea just let us know!
I second that.
I just have to find the time to be able to do it. I may get a wild hair and see if I cn do this trip.