2010 Bai Sha Xi "Tian Jian" Hunan Hand-Roasted Hei Cha

Tea type
Pu'erh Tea
Not available
Bitter, Smoke, Fish Broth, Fruity, Pleasantly Sour, Seaweed, Smooth, Sweet, Thick, Tar, Tobacco, Brown Sugar, Pine, Salt, Scotch, Wood, Mineral, Roasted, Salty, Vegetal
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Edit tea info Last updated by shakirah1984
Average preparation
Boiling 0 min, 30 sec 5 g 3 oz / 99 ml

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14 Tasting Notes View all

  • “I didn’t especially like this tea, and that surprised me. It’s definitely smoky, and smoke is one of my favourite flavours in pretty much any context. However, unlike other smoky hei chas I’ve...” Read full tasting note
  • “108/365 Moving swiftly on from Yunomi’s Awa Bancha…This is actually the last of my Dark Matter teas, and I will honestly miss having a stack of different samples like this to try. It’s been both...” Read full tasting note
  • “I thought drinking this hei cha when I was sick would be a good idea. I was wrong. Wrong, wrong, wrong. It tasted like dust. :( But it’s not the tea’s fault.” Read full tasting note
  • “From Dark Matter 2016: Anyone remember that “hangover cure” concoction from the movie Heathers? I kept thinking that’s what this would taste like if I added some OJ. My palate is definately...” Read full tasting note

From Yunnan Sourcing

2010 Bai Sha Xi “Tian Jian” An Hua Hand-Roasted Hei Cha * 50 grams

A relatively rare production from the Bai Sha Xi tea factory in An Hua county of Hunan. Tian Jian tea is created through a special fermentation process that takes longer than black tea but considerably less time than ripe pu-erh. The tea is then roasted over pine fire by hand to dry it. Tian Jian is one of 7 types of “Jian” class hei cha produced in An Hua county of Hunan.

The taste is strong and full in the mouth with hints of tobacco and pine smoke, but with a heavy thick sweetness and a golden viscous tea soup.

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14 Tasting Notes

135 tasting notes

I didn’t especially like this tea, and that surprised me. It’s definitely smoky, and smoke is one of my favourite flavours in pretty much any context. However, unlike other smoky hei chas I’ve tried, or lapsang souchong, this has just a single note of smoke taste. Those other smoky teas have a ‘deep’ smoke and a sharper smoke, while this one only has the deep layer. It’s also surprisingly bitter.

Flavors: Bitter, Smoke

Boiling 0 min, 15 sec 3 g 2 OZ / 55 ML

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2238 tasting notes


Moving swiftly on from Yunomi’s Awa Bancha…This is actually the last of my Dark Matter teas, and I will honestly miss having a stack of different samples like this to try. It’s been both illuminating and educational, and (for the most part!) very enjoyable. I’m hoping this one will be a strong way to round off.

To taste, it’s a lot smokier than I was expecting. It’s not sweet tobacco smoke, either, but somehow more acrid. It’s bringing to mind Adagio’s Sherlock Holmes fandom blend, of all things. I’m sure this shouldn’t be a legitimate comparison, but it’s one I’m going to make anyway.

Underneath the smoke is a nutty, roasty flavour that reminds me of dark oolong. There’s also something a little like mushroom broth – savoury and kinda meaty. I’m not the biggest fan of smoky teas, but I can make an exception for this one since it’s not too heavy, and there’s more to the flavour once you get past the initial hit of smoke. An unexpected joy!

Boiling 2 min, 0 sec 1 tsp

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358 tasting notes

I thought drinking this hei cha when I was sick would be a good idea. I was wrong. Wrong, wrong, wrong. It tasted like dust. :(

But it’s not the tea’s fault.

7 g

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101 tasting notes

From Dark Matter 2016:

Anyone remember that “hangover cure” concoction from the movie Heathers? I kept thinking that’s what this would taste like if I added some OJ. My palate is definately sensitive to smoke flavors so that’s a bit understandable, but there is some other flavor to this that I dislike as well.

I brewed this in a gaiwan with a first steep of about 15 seconds or so (longer than I intended of course) and it was pure ashtray. Okay, I thought the same with the Iron Arhat and I ended up enjoying it once all the flavors harmonized. So I kept going, and going, and eventually it started to get so unpleasant that I started to throw out my cups after drinking half. It seemed to steep forever. Eventually the smoke subsided a bit and I started to get a really bitter front note. It also left my mouth dry and coated with a chemical flavor I can only describe as “oh god I hope I don’t get mouth cancer”.

So yea, sample this tea before buying…

Flavors: Smoke, Tar, Tobacco

Boiling 3 g 3 OZ / 90 ML

i don’t mind smokey flavors at all. the bitterness i’m not too picky on


in fact i love smokey flavours

Gooseberry Spoon

To each their own. I’m fine when it’s in BBQ, and salmon, and other protein but in tea it’s just been unpleasant. There was something else going on in here though, it might honestly be one of the worst teas I’ve tried.


hmm, i may have to try this to see too


The opinions on this tea, and many others in Dark Matter, have been so polarizing. A really interesting group of teas :)

Gooseberry Spoon

Yea reading through the other reviews is bizzare. I even had my sig fig try a later steep and he said it tasted like mint!


Gooseberry, I’m with you on keeping smoked BBQ in my plate and out of my cup. Have you tried YS’ Hunan Wild Tips Ye Jian Hand Roasted Hei Cha? It’s much more fruity up front in both taste and aroma. It tastes more like a fruity red tea with the digestive affects ripe pu’er and mouth activity of raw pu’er. Leaving the bag open in my pumidor has improved it.

Gooseberry Spoon

Tanwuils, I haven’t, but I’ll keep an eye out for it next time I place an order with YS. I still can’t take straight up smoke :)

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6 tasting notes

Dark Matter 2016 number 7.

Does anyone here also drink scotch? This is like if Laphroaig Quarter Cask was a tea.

I really love the smokey flavor and the thick liquor this tea offers. Definitely interested in teas like this/would buy more.

Flavors: Brown Sugar, Pine, Salt, Scotch, Smoke, Wood

0 min, 15 sec 4 OZ / 130 ML

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55 tasting notes

I got some Lapsang Souchong a couple of months ago and tried it once and couldn’t finish my cup. I assumed it was because I just didn’t like smoke flavored teas, but this tea has proven me wrong.

I don’t have any fancy gaiwans or anything so I just steeped this tea Western for like a minute with nearly-boiling water and it’s really nice. I think maybe a slightly shorter steep at first would have been helpful for tasting the underlying notes, but oh well, live and learn. So the main flavors that I’m catching are the “roasted” smoke flavor and the “post-fermented” hei cha flavor. There’s also a bit of sweetness in the back of the mouth, which is interesting, and it has a very friendly aftertaste. We’ll see how future steeps go, but for now I’m all in favor of this tea!

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14 tasting notes

Gah! I lost my review notes mid-review. Sooooo in a noob nutshell.

LP Dark Matter 2016
Full Sample – 120ml Gaiwan, boiling water
starting at 5 sec steep, then gradually ramping up the time
11+ steeps, I lost count as usual :P
Nice thick viscosity, lurve this
Taste – slightly smokey, thick fruitiness and a light tobacco finish. Reminds me of a few shengs that I have tried, but without the sourness that I associate with them. I quite like this and am considering getting more. Can’t wait to try the other two YS Tian Jian and get a better handle on this kind of hei cha.

This is the 5th Dark Matter sample that I’ve tried and so far its been fun and very educational, not only am I having the opportunity to try many different teas, this is really helping me to understand my own personal likes and dislikes. Also having so many people reviewing these samples and having different opinions REALLY underscores the importance of ordering and drinking samples, because while its fun to read reviews and see what other peeps think, it’s obvious that steepsterite palates are very diverse. :)


I’m definitely getting more of this!

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400 tasting notes

The first from the Dark Matter 2016 series from Liquid Proust.

I’ve worked this tea for 13 sessions before calling it quits. I was on the fence before even giving it a try or smell, due to the mixed reviews. However, I decided to go ahead and try this one first, so that I can form my own opinion instead of relying on others.

Matu mentioned that there was a “tobacco and maybe burnt grass” flavor, which I had tasted during the first two steeps, but it went away after that. I thought that the smokiness of the tea was more of a Lapsang Souchong kind of smokiness, but without the meaty/BBQ flavor. Rather, it had that burnt grassy taste as Matu mentioned.

Anyway, as the 8th or 9th steep settled in, the tea started having a corn (?) or some type of sweet vegetable flavor. It was a weird tea to have, but the overall flavors were uniquely refreshing and outstanding. I like to drink or eat weird stuff in general, so this tea was highly favored way before I decided to give it a try (this was decided by Matu’s review). I liked it, and just for the sake of the Dark Matter Series, I’ll rate this one!

Side Note: If you generally like oddball flavors, this is recommended. If not, then no.

Also, my wife isn’t a tea expert, but I wanted her opinion about the smell (she refused to taste it), and she thought it had “meaty ashtray” smell.



I’m often turned off by smoky flavors in tea, especially in the Lapsang Souchong I tried recently. I think I have an issue with the meaty/BBQ version of smoke you mentioned, as the smokiness present in this one was nice :)


Exactly! This smokiness is nice! :)

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314 tasting notes

From LP’s Dark Matter 2016

After reading Matu’s review I decided to try this tea. After a brief rinse, the first steep had a really smoky nose. Taste was smoky with an underlying bitter astringency. 2nd steep pretty much the same. Third had some serious bitterness that I found unpleasant. The bitterness and smoke were gone by about the 5th steep, but what was left was unimpressive.


Sorry if I gave you false expectations! ;) Odd though, I didn’t find it particularly bitter or astringent. I guess everybody has a different sense of taste however.

Dr Jim

No problem. It was part of the group buy, so it’s not like I ran out and bought it. What I got from your review was a statement that there was a variation of opinions, and I figured I could chime in.

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485 tasting notes

From Dark Matter 2016 :) I used the whole 6g sample in my 100mL gaiwan. I was worried about this one after reading some of the reviews, and then that worry only increased when I smelled the wet leaves and was hit with the aroma of a cigarette butt. Thankfully it tasted a lot better than it smelled! And the lid of my gaiwan did smell pretty decent, like tobacco.

The flavor of the first steep was of smoke, tobacco and maybe burnt grass (the roast showing?) and a sweet mineral finish. Next steep was more strongly tobacco which lingered in the mouth after a roasty finish. Next I got sweet mineral and tobacco with a more viscous tea soup. The next steep saw the mineral flavor change to become almost salty, and was followed with bittersweet pine sap finish. My next steep was vegetal and soupy, like a thick broth. Then I got pine with a sweet/salty finish – it kind of reminded me of seaweed. Unfortunately, this is where the finish started to go a little south. The last three or four steeps had a sweet brown sugar/maple front with a smoky finish that became kind of unpleasant and dusty feeling if that makes any sense.

My steep times were 10s rinse, 10s, 10s, 15s, 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s, 75s, 2m, 5m. I was surprised with how much I liked this tea until the weird finish started getting in the way of my enjoyment. I may consider adding a box of this to a YS order at some point. One of the more interesting aspects was how much this tea changed from steep to steep. I think I even missed some subtleties by increasing my steep times a bit too quickly. I can see how some would dislike this tea, and can even imagine how AllanK got a kind of chemical flavor from it. The taste was quite strong and unusual.

Flavors: Brown Sugar, Mineral, Pine, Roasted, Salty, Seaweed, Smoke, Sweet, Thick, Tobacco, Vegetal, Wood

Boiling 0 min, 15 sec 6 g 3 OZ / 100 ML

10 steeps pretty good strength.


I thought so too. The last few were a bit weak, but like I said, if I had kept going in 5s increments a bit longer I think I would’ve gotten a couple more good ones in there.


I’ll have to sample this first then.


Hope you enjoy it as much as I did :)


Be sure to report to us! I’m interested in how others feel about this, as reviews already seem pretty divided


I’m going to get started on it now! I’ll report on it later this afternoon.

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