2022 Yunnan Sourcing "Alchemy" Ripe Pu-erh Tea Cake

Tea type
Pu'erh Tea
Pu Erh Tea
Acidic, Autumn Leaf Pile, Barnyard, Cedar, Compost, Dark Wood, Fish Broth, Metallic, Mushrooms, Tangy, Tannin, Tobacco, Wet Earth, Wet Rocks, Yeast, Peat, Soil
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Edit tea info Last updated by derk
Average preparation
Boiling 8 min or more 4 g

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3 Tasting Notes View all

  • “This spring has been chillier than usual and the marine layer lingers long everyday, so things around here been pretty glum. Garden’s moving a little slower in the cold. I’ll take the cloud...” Read full tasting note
  • “Sitting here with my second steep and reveling in all the things at once. I came home sleep-deprived but grateful for the morning, had a little sipdown of What-Cha’s Jin Jun Mei, and headed outside...” Read full tasting note

From Yunnan Sourcing

New Ripe blend for 2022!

Cha Tou + Various loose leaf ripes makes this a thick and complex blend. Ripe tea sourced from Mengku and Menghai was blended and pressed into these lovely cakes.

If you are a fan of of our Cozy series or Year of the Pig Red Label you might also really enjoy this tea!

357 Grams per cake (7 cakes per bamboo leaf tong).

Wrapper Art by Tasty_Y

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3 Tasting Notes

1652 tasting notes

This spring has been chillier than usual and the marine layer lingers long everyday, so things around here been pretty glum. Garden’s moving a little slower in the cold. I’ll take the cloud cover and cool weather for choking smoke and the 1-teens we experienced a few years ago when the tomatoes and watermelons exploded on the vine.

I’ve let the weather pattern bring out my laziness, which leads to introspection. I’m taking a good, long look at who I am, what I want to contribute to this life and how to do so. With the introspection has come an unhealthy dose of philosophical thinking. I feel bound by limitations; whether they are perceived or legitimate, I am still working out. The air is clear but I’m suffocating.

beerandbeancurd coming to the rescue again!

Grandpa in the shou stein that always makes me think Martin, this is a good, cozy ripe. Fresh with some fermentation that at first reads fishy then moves into barnyard and cow hide. Main taste is composted leaf juice/tannins (surprise surprise) with tobacco and some clean wet earth, wet rock, mushroom and tangy metallic feel to bring my mind back from the dairy ranch. A hint of some cypress chill opens my sinuses. I get a little of that nutritional yeast I find common in shou. Clear body, not murky. This isn’t one of those creamy and sweet winter-weather comforters — it’s good for today’s weather and I think would also be excellent on a hot day.

Not a tea worthy of contemplation but wholly welcome and easy to drink. Glad I had it after breakfast, though, because it has an acidic feeling in the body.

Flavors: Acidic, Autumn Leaf Pile, Barnyard, Cedar, Compost, Dark Wood, Fish Broth, Metallic, Mushrooms, Tangy, Tannin, Tobacco, Wet Earth, Wet Rocks, Yeast

Boiling 8 min or more 4 g
Martin Bednář

Eh. Me? Yep, back then I was drinking shengs in grandpa style, because I haven’t got a gaiwan I suppose.


Heh, I used to do that, too. What reminds me of you is that the stein has an image of Prague on it!

Martin Bednář

Ah I see the reason now :)


Life, friend. I tell ya what. <3

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392 tasting notes

Sitting here with my second steep and reveling in all the things at once. I came home sleep-deprived but grateful for the morning, had a little sipdown of What-Cha’s Jin Jun Mei, and headed outside to do some work in the yard. Came in a few hours later and went right for the… pu-erh? Okay, body, whatever you say. Opened up a sour bag that I have yet to wrangle, gave it a whiff (ope, yep, still sour as shit)… decided that was going a little too far… settled on this one I hadn’t tried yet.

I went to YS’ website to grab some database info and fell a little in love with the label (though all the photos of this cake are stunning, my gracious). Tracked the artist down (https://www.deviantart.com/lookihaveapotato), and feel perfectly muscle-spent and content while I sip and gawk.

Just what I was craving… terribly cozy, without being too warming or cooling… full and smooth and rich without throwing any one big flavor… the first shou I love without feeling desperate to understand.

Dark like coffee and cabernet, smells and tastes of barnyard and mushroom and some new soil with some new metallic tang in some part of the world I haven’t yet walked on. Bliss.

Flavors: Barnyard, Dark Wood, Metallic, Mushrooms, Peat, Soil, Wet Earth


Sounds like a lovely day and a lovely shu. Thunderstorms here so had a little nap in the bay window with my beloved pooch.


Oh, that sounds perfect. I think most people are over the rain we’ve been getting here in SoCal, but I love it so much. Thunder would be the cherry on top.

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