2009 Menghai Purple Ripe Pu-erh Tea Cake (7342H)

Tea type
Pu'erh Tea
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Camphor, Smooth, Sweet, Wet Earth, Forest Floor, Wet Wood
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Edit tea info Last updated by Marshall Weber
Average preparation
Boiling 0 min, 30 sec 6 g 3 oz / 100 ml

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From Yee On Tea Co.

A new release at our retail store after post-fermentation at our professional warehouse for past 11 years, this 2009 7342H Chi Tse Beeng Cha packaged in an eye-catching yellow, and purple hue has captured our retail customer’s attention recently.

Masterfully controlled in the fermentation process, the raw leaves have fermented to a half-ripe stage during pile-fermentation giving this tea a uniquely alternate taste. This Pu-erh has the smoothness of a Ripe Pu-erh, yet retaining the fragrance and Cha Hi of a Raw Pu-erh. Just the perfect combination of both.

Great taste and excellent value, no wonder our customer’s been coming back to buy tongs!

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5 Tasting Notes

23 tasting notes

I picked up this tea while YeeOn was doing their site-wide sale earlier this year. I saw this cake pop up in a few reviews and lots of folks recommended it as a good wet stored daily drinker. I have to say, it is perfect for that. As far as value goes, you can’t really beat this price.

I’m going to recommend this tea, but you need to like the wet storage to appreciate it. It is so smooth, thick, and a little dank. The storage flavor comes off as ever so slightly smokey and acidic. It has some sweetness and a nice herbal, camphor flavor that is really apparent when smelling the moist leaves.

As it warms up and my apartment gets humid, I set up a daily drinker rack next to my tea setup. Right now, my Camphory Shou slot is held by Camphornaught, but I think this cake will replace it the next time I run out.

6g – 100ml – 25+ seconds – 100C
Smell: Wet, Sour, Tangy, Camphor
Taste: Smooth, Wet Funk, Sweet, Herbal Camphor
Similar Teas: W2T – Camphornaught (No dank), CL – 2022 Imperial Grade Shou (No dank), LP – 2010 Bulang (Not as herbal), LP – Ginseng Shou

Flavors: Camphor, Smooth, Sweet, Wet Earth

Boiling 0 min, 30 sec 6 g 3 OZ / 100 ML

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211 tasting notes

Well this is from a new order from YOT. I had to give some of their other teas a chance when I heard how much the taste of HK was disliked by some people and considered an “off batch.” This shou is first up and I’m very glad I caked this because it is quite good for the price ($0.09/g). Overwhelming scent, but the taste is much more muted.

Mild sweetness, medium-thick mouthfeel. Lasts 12-15 infusions. Some of this cake literally looks like clumps of clay haha. I know it’s note, but pretty wild how different it looks due to the HK storage.

Dry leaf: Camphor
Wet leaf: Camphor
Taste: Camphor, wet earth, forest floor, wet wood, sweet

Flavors: Camphor, Forest Floor, Sweet, Wet Earth, Wet Wood

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1324 tasting notes

Is that a smoky note I detect? Hmm it really does remind me of a lightly burning campfire with a heavy note on menthol and eucalyptus and maybe even a bit of camphor. I was expecting more fishy notes. Oh… I’m thinking of a sheng. This is a shou. Dewrp. This will be a unique tasting for sure. Oh wow. Yes. Definitely smoke on that initial rinse. Also 1800s house. I’d say old house but people have different views of what is old. Heck, my 20-year high school reunion was the other day. Granted the friends I made were all from the year after and I’m still friends with a few of them now. Anyway! ^^; The initial steep at about 30 seconds to a minute is reminiscent of noodle water, charred cedar wood, with a bit of menthol. Now onto the second steep with a few minutes added. Heavier on the woody notes. Deep woods, heavily damp after rain with campfire notes mixed in. The liquor color becomes so intense, like coffee. Oh my. At uhh 6 minutes. It’s a little much for the tummy. I could get tea drunk off of this tea.

Edit: A few hours later. It’s a bit toasty outside so I am doing a cold steep. And as I sit here the smell of the tea is almost overwhelming. Wet stone, wet ground, wet piled leaves. Petrichor.

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1 tasting notes

Strong mold taste for me. Tried 4 steeps and I think I discovered I don’t like Hong Kong storage.

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306 tasting notes

6.2g, 100 mL duanni. 2 rinses, some time in between. boiling, Brita water. It just tastes like shou puer. I broke up some chunks and it’s been sitting with some other puer. Not sure how much that contributed, but this is easy drinking and pretty clean. When warm: Slightly sweet + slight bitterness and storage taste, pretty nice. When cold: more bitter and earthy, not as nice. Why am I drinking cold tea?? I sometimes forget about it and the cup cools. Cold tea notes are rarely intentional for me.

Hard to find anything wrong with it, especially considering it was just a bit over .09c/g after factoring in shipping. Big caffeine kick from this one, so nice daily.

in sum: do I regret jumping on the Yee-on hype train? No.

But could I distinguish between the budget Yee-on shous in a line-up? …not really. Maybe time to air out a bit will help.

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