Tipsy Garden (Barrel #2)

Tea type
White Tea
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Loose Leaf
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From Volition Tea

100-day gin-barrel-aged white tea

Farm owner: Huang Hai Qiang

Co-created by Annie Xiang, in collaboration with KOVAL Distillery

Cultivar: Da Hao

Processed on: April 21, 2022

Region: Tai Mu Mtn., Fujian, China

Weight: 30g

*Please note a typical spirit barrel has a charred interior. Upon retrieval of the tea leaves from the barrel, we conducted two rounds of meticulous sorting. However, small, charred barrel pieces might be expected. Please discard visible pieces before steeping.

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4 Tasting Notes

16950 tasting notes


This was the other tea that we drank as part of our post Toronto Tea Festival IG tea blogger steep session – it was one that Marco (of steap’d tea) has brought with and I was quite thrilled to see it because I missed out on the first version of this tea and had been eyeing this second version for some time. Both this and the previous version are white teas that were gin barrel aged, though this for a 100 days and the former for 70…

The dry leaf aroma of this was insane. Very bright and aromatic with a pretty distinct gin note to it but also a surprisingly fruity composition as well. In my opinion, barrel aged teas usually have a pretty great scent to them, but this was soooo good. I couldn’t wait to taste it! The first steep was light but with a distinct gin character. Very pleasing fruity aroma and a smooth sip. As Tracy (teainfusiast) pointed out, it was citrusy and that note only continued to grow in the second and third steeps. Very pink grapefruit, especially on the tail end of the sip. So unexpected for a gin barrel tea, but delectable. And fresh. So fresh and summery! By steep three much of the distinct gin taste was gone though the tea retained a bit of an ethereal booziness.

The festival had been packed tighter than a tin of sardines and it was hot so, as I was drinking this, I just kept picturing drinking an ice cold cup of this on a terrace in the middle of summer – maybe with a splash of gin or, to lean into the fruitier elements, a bit of prosecco. In those brief hotel rooms steeps I was living my best life picturing a time outside of winter.

It was also fortuitous timing because Volition Tea had a product launch today for their Lunar New Year/Year of The Dragon themed box and I was planning on order that already. So it only made sense for me to add this tea with that order since it’s surprisingly not yet sold out. I cannot wait for it to arrive.

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