Season's Pick Assam GFOP Organic (TA07)

Tea type
Black Tea
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Astringent, Malty, Metallic, Cocoa, Malt, Mineral, Vanilla, Bread, Honey
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Loose Leaf
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Edit tea info Last updated by Cameron B.
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec 11 oz / 325 ml

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From Upton Tea Imports

This Assam selection produces a dark cup with a full flavor profile. Notes of cocoa and a delicate caramel hint complement a sweet and toasty aroma for an enjoyable cup.

Origin: India

Steeping Suggestions: –
Leaf Quantity: 2¼ g/cup
Water Temp: 212° (boiling)
Steep Time: 3-5 min.

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7 Tasting Notes

491 tasting notes

Steeped up a whole pot of this to watch the world cup this morning, and then did a second steep for extra time. Was a good tea to drink for a serious and competitive game with hints of copper and malt, with just a little astringency at the end to let you know this is an Awesome tea. My favorite Upton assam is their ctc which brews up super quick without being bitter. This one comes in as a close second and I’d add this to a purchase.

Flavors: Astringent, Malty, Metallic


Ah, a fellow football-watcher! There aren’t many of us in these parts.


Hope you enjoyed the game too with a cuppa.


I did indeed. (:

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140 tasting notes

Very nice, smooth Assam tea. No artificial flavors, enhancements, just a nice smooth drinkable tea.

3 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 16 OZ / 473 ML

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75 tasting notes

I got a bunch of samples from Upton when they had some free shipping deal, and this is one of them. It is a solid breakfast tea, though it turned a bit astringent. It was good with milk, and would be an okay basic black tea to have around, but I don’t think I’ll get more of it. It has inspired me to check out other assams when I get the chance though.

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11 tasting notes

Made at work, boiled water in microwave. 8 oz water, 1 tsp of tea, 3.5 min brew.

At first I really enjoyed this tea. Had a malty, cocoa-ish vanilla thing going on. Tasted comforting, which is what I’m looking for in tea! Then it started to either become kind of astringent tasting, or I started picking up on the mineral flavor that’s listed as one of it’s flavors on its Steepster page. I don’t think I’m capable of telling the difference between those yet.

Second steep I boiled water in the microwave again, then brewed for 4.5 minutes. I’m getting more of the astringent flavor.

I don’t want to count this tea out because I liked it so much at first taste, and my work set up is pretty crappy. I think I’ll bring it home and use with better water boiled in an actual kettle and see how that goes!

Flavors: Astringent, Cocoa, Malt, Mineral, Vanilla

Boiling 3 min, 30 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

Try steeping it less for the first time (2 1/2-3 minutes) and go longer from there. Black teas are tricky, I’ve discovered, so I usually start with a shorter steeping time, and slowly increase the time with every steep afterwards. I hope that it tastes better when you’re able to boil the water more properly!


I’m getting the idea that you and I sorta like the same kind of tea for work… I just picked up some Golden Spiral Dian Hong from King Tea Bay on ebay that is hitting my sweet spot. PM me your mailing addy and I’ll send ya a sample. It’s really nice and re-steeps well. :D


Thanks for the tip Rufus!

Azurephoenix — I will PM you :)

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1118 tasting notes

My morning cup. This is biscuity with a sweetness I don’t normally associate with Assams. The sweetness was almost floral in nature, and, though it threw me for a loop, I liked it. It’s a full bodied tea, but it’s also very smooth. The combination of the two gave the tea a cream-like texture. Between its strength and smoothness I’d place this firmly in my breakfast tea category. It’ll get ya up and moving!

It’s definitely different from the other Assams in my cupboard, but that’s a good thing. I’m happy I have more of this to play around with. I can see myself possibly becoming attached to this one.

Boiling 3 min, 30 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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1598 tasting notes

This is one I stole from the MTTB because it looked good, only had one cup, and had a fair bit of packaging. C’mon box: close!

This is a nice bready Assam, with notes of honey, and only a little bit of astringency. Just by the smell of it, I felt it would be better with a little milk to tone it down, but I’m doing ok without it. It’s a nice brisk cup to start the morning with!


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1501 tasting notes

Bready, tea-like, and sweet: that’s how I’d describe this tea. I can’t remember why I grabbed this (the description probably attracted me in some way), and I have to say it’s a solid straight tea, with lots of lovely qualities to it. Do I love it so much that I’d order it again? Nah. Still, something really nice to enjoy this evening.

Flavors: Bread, Honey, Mineral

200 °F / 93 °C 2 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

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