ZG51: Yellow Tea Imperial

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Yellow Tea
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Average preparation
180 °F / 82 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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7 Tasting Notes View all

  • “My first time trying a yellow tea. The leaves in the bag are slender and light brownish with some white areas. I steeped this in an infuser mug with water around 180 F for 3 minutes. The leaves,...” Read full tasting note
  • “Sipdown! mostly because i’m splitting the remainder of this package up for my tea sister and for my tea friend down under. I’ve had a couple yellow teas before, that inspired me to keep trying...” Read full tasting note
  • “Of course I had to give in and try a yellow tea with my samples. I read a bit on the processing but the leaves look like nothing I could have imagined, their dark brown with cream streaks remind...” Read full tasting note
  • “Whoa, what is this? Yellow tea? I’ve never heard of it so I thought I’d give it a try. The brew is a very light golden color. It reminds me of a gold coin that could use a polish. Since the leaves...” Read full tasting note

From Upton Tea Imports

This impressive selection is notable for the fine craftsmanship displayed in the tea’s manufacture, as well as the wonderful infusion it yields. The delicate cup is complex, with floral notes, hints of fruity sweetness, and a wisp of a smoky hint in the finish. This pleasing admixture of flavors develops over multiple steepings.

Origin: China

Steeping Suggestions: –
Leaf Quantity: 2¼ g/cup
Water Temp: 180°
Steep Time: 3 min.

About Upton Tea Imports View company

Company description not available.

7 Tasting Notes

2816 tasting notes

My first time trying a yellow tea. The leaves in the bag are slender and light brownish with some white areas. I steeped this in an infuser mug with water around 180 F for 3 minutes. The leaves, after steeping smell a bit sweet but also like seaweed.

I do think this is pleasant but I’m not really blown away by it. It’s a golden yellow color and has a slighty sweet/nutty flavor profile. There is something mildly oceanic in the aroma of this particular tea. I am enjoying it but I don’t think I will need to rush out and get anymore once I have depleted this sample. Also I think it is great that Upton offers sample sizes on all of their teas, just thought I would mention that! :)


Amy, that is also what I like about Upton. I’ve been a customer for over a decade and their customer service is excellent! Also, I’ve mentioned before that I think RoT spends too moch time marketing their product. Too many catalogs sent to me throughout the year (so wasteful). Upton Tea publishes four a year and you can opt out of receiving their catalog if you want. Upton’s also has a pdf file of their catalog. I guess I am under impressed with tea companies who inundate me with catalogs and other techniques. Upton Tea doesn’t do that. I get the impression that they are more focused on the tea and not some flashy catalog (which doesn’t entice me to buy any more tea)! I like companies who focus more on tea and waste less, you know!?!

Right click on DOWNLOAD THE FULL CATALOG on the right side of their homepage.


I got the paper catalog with my last order, I like it. It’s not flashy but tells you the essential information about the tea.


Right….and they usually send me 4 a year which isn’t bad, because I like to browse when I’m away from my computer. They are minimalist when it comes to waste, when they can be. Their shipping peanuts are biodegradeable which is nice.

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15596 tasting notes

Sipdown! mostly because i’m splitting the remainder of this package up for my tea sister and for my tea friend down under. I’ve had a couple yellow teas before, that inspired me to keep trying them. This one, however, is pretty meh. It’s not a BAD tea…but it’s not nearly as delectable as the other yellow teas that i’ve had. where those were juicy and mouthwateringly good…this is just a cup of lighter tea. It’s like it can’t decide if it wants to be a white or a green. Ah well! one to cross off my list!

Terri HarpLady

I think there is a yellow tea in the box that is on it’s way to your door as we type!

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300 tasting notes

Of course I had to give in and try a yellow tea with my samples. I read a bit on the processing but the leaves look like nothing I could have imagined, their dark brown with cream streaks remind me of elongated sunflower seeds and even seem to have a similar density in the teaspoon. I brewed my first round Tuesday with shorter steeps, worried about the recommended 3 mins and thinking hey why not try this gongfu style albeit in a glass infuser mug. I neednt have worried though as today I am enjoying it with a full 3mins on the first round. The first infusion the other day was a bit more sweet and intense than today’s full yet more dull infusion. There was a really nice cocoa scent that didn’t really deliver much taste wise, but I enjoyed smelling it all the same. There was more nuttiness and yes a seaweed like note that others have mentioned. Today’s session smells like honey (mmm mead) but has a dryness in the finish that came out in later infusions. Second infusion has spice notes. The brewed leaves smell heavenly, taste disappoints. Did not hold up to a third infusion brewed either way.

180 °F / 82 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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35 tasting notes

Whoa, what is this? Yellow tea? I’ve never heard of it so I thought I’d give it a try. The brew is a very light golden color. It reminds me of a gold coin that could use a polish. Since the leaves are quite large, it’s very clear. There’s very little sediment at the bottom and certainly none floating around. The flavor is very very good and has a clean finish. There are virtually no tanins and the mouthfeel is great. It’s not very viscous but it coats the tongue quite well. The front notes are kind of hard to discern; most of the flavor is in the background. You guys have to try this!

180 °F / 82 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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62 tasting notes

Like other reviewers I was not blown away by this tea. It is very light and has a nice sweetness, similar to a silver needle. It is a bit more complex in that it has more “bite” in the finish than a white tea. Still I want something with more flavor.

180 °F / 82 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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3294 tasting notes

Another sample from Sil that’s been sitting in my cupboard for awhile…quite awhile.
I’ve had a few yellow teas before, and admittedly, I don’t crave them, but I’d never turn down a cup :)
This one started out a little soapy tasting, but then that passed & it is bringing to mind a few things:
yellow flowers
oceanic minerals & kelp
That pretty much covers it. It’s a little vegetative, a little sweet, not something I’d probably ever add to my collection, but a pleasant change of pace.

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