Got this trade from Jackie T Thanks Jackie!
This is very chocolatey and floral. I did as other tasting notes suggested and didn’t raise my expectations too high and didn’t actually expect it to taste like the name suggests and it’s not bad. Since Jackie had trouble at 3 minutes with bitterness, I dropped the temperature and only steeped for 2.5 minutes and I’m not having a bitterness issue at all. Of course, I also add milk and sugar to my black teas, so that might be part of it also, but I’m very sensitive to bitterness so I can usually taste it anyway.
I’m not really sure how I feel about the floral aspects of this. The flowery tastes mingle strangely with the chocolate ones and it doesn’t feel melded well, or ‘together’ enough for me, like they’re competing and the floral is winning. I would rather the chocolate to win.
All in all, this is okay. Someone would probably like it better than me if they like floral aspects more than me. I’m glad I got to try this, but I won’t be drinking the…1/2-1 tsp left in my sample. Now what to do with it! My heart hurts when I throw tea in the trash.
After: flowers and chocolate. So this tea does know the way to a girl’s heart, I suppose.
LOL! Flowers and chocolate sounds like a great combo in tea to me, actually.
After the initial surprise that of all things, that’s what I was getting, it is really nice. I know there’s a couple other teas with the whole chocolate/rose/strawberry thing going on, but the mix of different petals in this one is even better than that.
Try organic milk. It lasts about 8 times longer than regular milk. I have no idea why, but it really does last longer and taste better.