Lapsang Souchong

Tea type
Black Tea
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Edit tea info Last updated by Dinah Saur
Average preparation
195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 15 sec

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  • “I’ve tried a couple of Lapsang Souchong teas lately and I think I just don’t like it. Each time, it just makes me feel like I’m drinking liquid smoke, and not in a pleasant sort of way. I’m giving...” Read full tasting note
  • “Finally! I sample for affordable lapsang souchongs often. This is the closest I’ve found for a replacement for the strong and enjoyable Zen’s tea life from Canada. Drank two cups of this tonight,...” Read full tasting note

From The Tea Spot

Tasting Notes:

This unique organic black tea is dried over pinewood, giving it a heavily smoky aroma and a deep, rich liquor. The tea leaves are first withered over pine root fires, then panfried, rolled and oxidized. The leaves are finally placed in bamboo baskets and hung on wooden racks over smoking pinewood fires to dry and absorb the smoke. This results in a powerfully smoky aroma coupled with a smooth taste.

Legend has it that the process for this smoked black tea came about during tribal times when a village burned all their possessions and inadvertently smoked the tea. Another story states that during the Qing Dynasty, an army unit passing through a village occupied a tea factory filled with fresh leaf awaiting manufacture. When workers could get back into the factory, they realized that for their tea to arrive at market in time, it was too late to dry the leaves the usual way and open fires of pinewood were lit to hasten the drying. When the tea reached the market, the smoke flavor created a sensation and a new product was born.

Organic Lapsang Souchong, Smoked Black Tea
Origin: China, Fujian province
Sample = 5 8-oz Servings
1/4 LB Bulk = $0.18 / Serving
1 LB Bulk = $0.13 / Serving
~40-45 mg Caffeine / Serving

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2 Tasting Notes

91 tasting notes

I’ve tried a couple of Lapsang Souchong teas lately and I think I just don’t like it. Each time, it just makes me feel like I’m drinking liquid smoke, and not in a pleasant sort of way.

I’m giving what I have left to a friend who enjoys Lapsang Souchong, so hopefully it will go over better there!

195 °F / 90 °C 1 min, 30 sec

I remember trying my onr and only LS years ago and I liked it. It was good for an occasional cup, but then I didn’t have it for a long while. When I went back to it, I couldn’t drink it, so I threw the rest away. It is too smokey for me, but sometimes I think it would be nice to have a sample to try again steeping it differently. I think I’d like it occasionally.


I recenly posted a review but I’m not sure people have seen it. I f you eant to read it, go to my tealog, or link here :)) :


I can’t drink LS either, the few I have tried

Dinah Saur

Thanks, Scott. I’ll check that out!

And I’m glad to know I’m not the only one, Amy. :) I just gave the remainder to a friend commenting on how it tastes like liquid smoke to me and he just responded, “Yes. It’s delicious!”

So I guess it really is a personal taste thing!


The first couple of LS that I tried, I could not drink. The first time that I ordered some from a supplier to sample (years ago) I had to throw the sample out after having tried it because it was so smoky I just couldn’t stand to have it in the house.

I have since come around to appreciate it since then. The key is to brew it in a gaiwan, and do a quick rinse. This helps to rinse away some of the smokiness (but certainly not all of it) and then, do short steeps, starting with 1 minute or less, and adding 15 seconds to each subsequent steep.

I highly recommend the Dr. Tea’s Tea Garden LS, as it is the best that I’ve tried to date.


Has anyone had the Hu-Kwa by Mark T. Wendell? I want to try it someday.

Dinah Saur

Thanks for the tips, LiberTeas! I’ll definitely give it a go in the gaiwan to see how it differs for me.


There are some lighter smoked LS teas I haven’t tried yet. Amy the Hu-Kwa sounds really interesting. It is what I eluded to, but I wasn’t referring to that tea. Lighter LS might be our answer! :))


Here’s another review. I posted the picture and reviewed it the next day and wondered if anyone has seen it? :))

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311 tasting notes

Finally! I sample for affordable lapsang souchongs often. This is the closest I’ve found for a replacement for the strong and enjoyable Zen’s tea life from Canada. Drank two cups of this tonight, absolutely delicious. very smokey. I can finally stop my hunt again.

5 min, 0 sec 1 tsp

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