True Love Flower Tea

Tea type
Flowering Green Blend
Flowers, Green Tea Leaves
Flowers, Smooth, Floral, Green
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Edit tea info Last updated by TeaVivre
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 30 sec 6 oz / 190 ml

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From Teavivre

Origin: Fuding, Fujian, China

Ingredients: Amaranth, Marigold and Jasmine flowers, with Silver Needle Green Tea

Taste: A fragrant, sweet taste

Brew: a single tea bundle in a clear glass in boiling water for 2 to 3 minutes

This blooming tea unveils two globe amaranth flower and two jasmine poles in the water after blooming. It seems two people are in the love at first sight in the scene of mutual appreciation. The aroma is rich and refreshing, the taste is with strong and fragrance long-lasting. You will be able to smell the nature mellow of the tea and flower with an art enjoyment.

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19 Tasting Notes

1719 tasting notes

The most beautiful flowering tea I have seen to date. Silver needle green tea cradling a white bouquet with twin white spires rising up topped with red globes. The flowers look like they were just picked. The picture does not do it justice.

Poured boiling water through a strainer so as not to damage the pod. It began expanding immediately. Not a single leaf or petal came loose in the pot. Poured into cup through the strainer. Clarity is excellent. Color is from pale amber to deep golden depending on steep time. The jasmine flavor is way in the background. One of the other two flowers – the globe amaranth I think – dominates and it is not a flavor I particularly like. Letting this steep longer and letting the cup cool brings out the jasmine a little more.

Visually this rates a 100.


I’m always afraid of using boiling water on a blooming tea, because there is still green tea in there! I’m glad this one worked out for you!


The first experience with a blooming tea (Primula tea) I thought like you and the bloom didn’t want to sink to the bottom or open fully, I decided to start following directions after that. Apparently silver needle green can take it.


I have used a few different blooming teas, but I don’t remember what I did in terms of temp. I do think they are GORGEOUS though!


I’ve never had blooming tea before. How do you take the leaves out to drink the tea? Or do you just drink it anyway with the flower in there? Do you have to worry about oversteeping it? Any advice would be appreciated!


I have seen a glass teapot on Gardeners Supply site that has a built in wire strainer in the spout. I just make mine in a glass pot and pour a couple of cups of tea, tipping it so the bloom stays in. Then I add more water and keep it steeping. These from Teavivre have never gone bitter on me and taste so good, unlike others I have tried. Each Time I pour a cup, I add more water! I get three steeps at least but I don’t use a ot of water in each.

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368 tasting notes

So we finally brewed our second one of these sample flowering teas from TeaVivre.

This time I filled our globe pot entirely with hot water and then gently lowered the item into it. I used chopsticks to try to hold it submerged while the air leaked out and it began to hydrate. It took a LONG time to do this.

But we did eventually end up with a completely intact flying spaghetti monster flowering tea display which was very pretty.

I think our globe pot is too big and so the ratio of item to water is all wrong.

But the spectacle of these things is pretty interesting.

175 °F / 79 °C 5 min, 0 sec

lol! I also can’t help but think that flowering teas can look alien-like. :)

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3496 tasting notes

Since my guest enjoyed the flowering tea last week, I decided to serve a flowering tea again this week. I have been craving really good green tea lately, probably because of my Teavivre samples that have been so delicious. This one was beautiful and very good. We steeped it only twice because I used a slighter larger pot this time. I had three cups! Thank you, Angel and Teavivre!
I am looking forward to putting together my first Teavivre order!


I’m glad that you like it^^


How much water do you think should be used with these blooming teas? I was thinking maybe three cups?


I think I started with about two at the most, and each time I poured a couple of small cups, around four ounces each, I added a small amount of hot water back to resteep. I believe I may even have been just shy of sixteen ounces for the first.


Thanks! I’ll try 16 oz. I want to try this one over the holidays for certain!


I just saw that the glass pot sold on Lupicia especially for blooming teas are only a little over seven ounces. That makes sense. I noticed at Southern Season that they steep their blooming tea in a wine goblet which wouldn’t be much more than that, and they don’t fill it all the way. It definitely resteeps well, though.


That seems so small. These blooms would completely fill that pot up. Guess I will have to try it that way once. I was using an 8 cup coffee decanter – 8 cup thats 4 real cups!


I have a liter carafe – I have to try filling with say 10 oz and see if it is too shallow. I may have to buy a tiny charming glass pot – oh how terrible :)


I used my Bodum iced tea glass carafe. It is about 40 ounces, I think, but I only filled it about one-fourth of the way up.

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72 tasting notes
Boiling 3 min, 0 sec


The Tea Show

Thanks!!! You’re the best!


Thanks so much for this video, very interesting. And maybe you can try to brew it with more hot water next time!


Fun video!

The Tea Show

Interesting. @TeaVivre. I used FOUR times the amount of water that your company specified. Are you saying that your steeping instructions are wrong for all of your teas??? If so, perhaps I could help you translate things. I know that your English isn’t that great.

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377 tasting notes

Let the festivities continue. There seems to be a pattern. Teavivre seems to be the tea of choice for the evening. Other flowering teas that I have sampled have been jasmine flavored. So this is a new experience for me. The green tea is not a very strong scent. The liquor is a little darker yellow. Slightly nutty not bitter. However it took a second steep for the flower to really open up. It’s a decent green and a good one to share with friends over for New Years Eve. I kinda like having a flowering tea that’s not all jasmine. However the flower itself blooming is not as dynamic and just seemed to not want to open up.

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54 tasting notes

I like flowering teas, but I’ve never found them to be the tastiest of teas. There was a point about five years ago where I stocked up on blooming tea because they were so portable – you pop a bloom in a tumbler, add hot water, drink and add more hot water, and you have flavored tea/water for most of the day. I took it with me on bike rides and to 5k walk/run events because it was easier to drink than plain water. That’s not to mention that it’s entertaining to see each bloom pop open. But it isn’t the first thing I reach for when I’m craving “real” to, so-to-speak.

This was another generous sample provided by Teavivre and it’s certainly the highest quality blooming tea I’ve tried. I put mine in a glass tumbler with 10 oz of water, decanted into a regular mug, and found that to be fine for extracting flavor. It did get slightly bitter, but not undrinkably so. It maintained its green sweetness, and of course there’s the floral that shows up more in the aftertaste than in the initial sip.

I would have no problem using this as a centerpiece at an occasion – a small 2-cup glass teapot on the table at a wedding reception or bridal shower for something delicate to go with delicate sweets…the possibilities are intriguing…

I took a close up pic and posted on my blog review: I’d definitely purchase more of this True Love variety for a future occasion.


this looks so beautiful after steeped^^

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788 tasting notes

Steep Information:
Amount: 1 ball
Water: 12 ounces, boiling
Steep Time: a little over 2 minutes
Served: Hot

Tasting Notes:
Dry Leaf Smell: vegetal, fruity
Steeped Tea Smell: jasmine, vegetal
Flavor: green tea, jasmine
Body: Light
Aftertaste: none
Liquor: translucent honey yellow-brown

Like most flowering teas I feel the flavor is sacrificed for the beauty. It’s an OK cup of tea but nothing exceptional. On the other hand you can tell it was made with high quality tea as it is drinkable and pretty as opposed to many flowering teas which are for looks only.


Boiling 2 min, 0 sec

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262 tasting notes

Let me begin this note by saying the True Love Flower Tea by Teavivre is the most entertaining tea that I have experienced thus far. It was a lot of fun to watch the little tea bundle slowly molt into the pretty flowers and greenery!

I hadn’t brewed a flower tea before so I may not have used the proper procedure. I nuked (microwaved) water until it boiled and then I dropped the little bundle into the water. This method made the process very cool to observe. The nest-like ball immediately started to sizzle, open, and bloom, as it gradually sank to the bottom of the pot. I then let it steep for three minutes before I strained the tea into my cup.

If you have been following my tasting notes, you already know that I do not, as a rule, enjoy flowery tasting teas. However, this tea is a great exception to my standard thoughts about floral teas.

The Love Flower Tea has a soft, nice, semi-sweet, nutty flavor. The flowery attributes blend harmoniously with the taste but do not take control. I also didn’t feel like my mouth was full of perfume as I had with other flower power teas I tried in the past. I didn’t detect any bitterness. The flavor lingered pleasantly on my palate after each sip. The brewed color is a light orange/yellow.

This product changed my (tea) life in that I will now be open to trying other flowery teas in the future. True Love Flower Tea is an enjoyable tea, not just due to the delightful flavor, but also because of the great floor show!

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

I enjoy flowering teas…….what a pleasurable experience.


Maybe if I try more of them, they’ll start to grow on me. :-)

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289 tasting notes

This tea is beautiful!! I have had a sample of this from the ever generous Teavivre for quite some time; I have been waiting to brew it up until I had a friend over who would appreciate it! We used boiling water and steeped for a little over 2 minutes. We like how it tasted; very light with floral nuances. Everyone who saw it thought it was pretty neat! We steeped it twice; it was nummy both times.

Boiling 2 min, 0 sec
Invader Zim

Lol, I haven’t heard anyone use nummy in a long time!


Ha! It comes from being a stay at home mom, you talk to everyone like you talk to your kids! :)

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87 tasting notes

This is my first flowering tea in my teapot and I was just in Aww… I called my husband over and sent photos to everyone! This tea is soo light and fresh i just LOVE IT!!! it reminds me of being a Child drinking chines tea :) Just Wonderful!!!

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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