Thai Tea Blend

Tea type
Black Rooibos Blend
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Edit tea info Last updated by sageeyes
Average preparation
200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 30 sec

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49 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Backlogging Yesterday. I usually save this tea as my dessert tea because I like it with half and half – I think that the half and half adds something; a creamy, smooth, almost savory taste blended...” Read full tasting note
  • “Yeah, Meghann M I almost want to curse you for sending me this. I’ve avoided Teavana pretty well so far, but I think this is the tea that will make me cave. I don’t even like coconut that much! But...” Read full tasting note
  • “Heat advisory continues … still experimenting with what’s good cold. This is, but next round I will double up on tea or steeping time or both to keep the flavor from wimping out.” Read full tasting note
  • “This has been sitting on my shelf for a while so I thought I’d make a pitcher to keep in the fridge for finals. Still working on the perfect tea to milk ratio. I’m still new to adding milk to drinks.” Read full tasting note

From Teavana

A delightful Thai restaurant blend of black and red teas, Hawaiian coconut pieces, almonds, and authentic Madagascar vanilla beans. Enjoy this delicious tea chilled with milk and Rock Cane Sugar. This tea contains nuts.

How to Prepare
Use 1 teaspoon of tea per 8oz of water. Heat water to 195-205 degrees and steep for 2-3 minutes. 2oz of tea equals 25-30 teaspoons.
Black tea, red Rooibos tea, coconut bits, vanilla pieces and almond bits.

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49 Tasting Notes

243 tasting notes

Backlogging Yesterday.

I usually save this tea as my dessert tea because I like it with half and half – I think that the half and half adds something; a creamy, smooth, almost savory taste blended well with this sweet nutty tea. However, I ignored my usual standards yesterday and had this first thing in the morning!

No real updates about it, nothing overwhelmingly new.


Half and half is a brilliant idea for that tea – why haven’t I tried this yet?


I highly suggest it-It is delicious with it.

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412 tasting notes

Yeah, Meghann M I almost want to curse you for sending me this. I’ve avoided Teavana pretty well so far, but I think this is the tea that will make me cave. I don’t even like coconut that much! But this just has this rich, soft, well-blended flavor; I like the nuttiness the rooibos adds, and appreciate that it lowers the caffeine content a little too. 2nd steep is weaker but drinkable, especially if you add a little more plain black tea or rooibos to give it some heft.

This is aptly named: it’s like a gentler (less spicy, less sweet) warm version of Thai Iced tea (which I also adore). I will likely be buying more once this bag runs out.

ETA: Does anyone know for certain whether this has natural/artificial flavorings (beyond the coconut, vanilla, and almond pieces listed?) I’m skeptical that it doesn’t, and the Teavana webpage isn’t really clear – just something I like to take into account in ratings.

195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 0 sec

This tea makes an awesome thai iced tea. I brew it strong, chill, and then when I serve it, i top it with some sweetened condensed milk. SO GOOD, and so much like a thai restaurant’s iced tea that I don’t need to stop at a thai restaurant anymore to “just get an iced tea” because I’m craving one.


I love it straight … will have to try your LiberTEAS version!

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3011 tasting notes

Heat advisory continues … still experimenting with what’s good cold. This is, but next round I will double up on tea or steeping time or both to keep the flavor from wimping out.

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248 tasting notes

This has been sitting on my shelf for a while so I thought I’d make a pitcher to keep in the fridge for finals. Still working on the perfect tea to milk ratio. I’m still new to adding milk to drinks.


You’re the third person I’ve read a review of this for in the past day. Crazy! Are you all in cahoots?


gasps maybe everyone else wanted to order some Thai Chai from Adagio recently and was sadden to find out that it was out of stock. Naturally we had to grab the closest thing we had in our cupboards…

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1220 tasting notes

I can’t decide if I want to finish this or hold onto it as long as possible, which has been awhile now.

I made this to try to drink while at school, but it stays so hot in my tumbler that only now, over 4 hours later, can I drink it.

It has kind of made it taste better, I think. I’m sure it’s probably from the rooibos escaping through the filter and sitting in there for so long, but it tastes more almondy and bolder than usual. Coconut is still there. And me, I’m still mad this is discontinued, because it’s creating this endless cycle of not wanting to use it, but wanting the jar for other teas now.

Dylan Oxford

My fiance and I (brand new to steepster, so give us a bit to catch up), have been trying to mad-scientist a tea blend that comes close to this. So far, we’ve made a really tasty blend of Serendipitea’s Colonille (vanilla) and Burrough’s (coconut) along with Teavana’s Amandine Rose. It comes very close. I’m not a huge fan of rooibos, but judging by your review, you might be able to replace the Colonille with a vanilla rooibos and get even closer.

By the way, I tried to like Teavana’s replacement, the Cha Yen Thai Tea… but it’s completely different, and has a sickeningly-sweet fake fruit taste to it. I’m fairly certain they’re using imitation almond flavoring instead of true almond bits now (which always tastes like cherries to me).


Interesting! I will have to give that a try when I run out. Any certain good proportions for each or do you split it all evenly?

My mom bought a bag of the Cha Yen one last year, but I know she never drank it. Probably a good thing, I can’t remember if she did anything more than smell this one at my place, would have been a let down!

Dylan Oxford

At the moment, we’re doing an even ratio of all three. She just got in an order of The Tea Spot’s Red Rocks, which is a rooibos almond/vanilla ( She’s itching to give it a shot tomorrow in the mix as a replacement for the Amandine Rose. The ratio she wants to make on that will be 2-Burroughs, 2-Red Rocks, 1-Colonille. We have a 40-oz teapot for our nightly teas :). I’ll let you know how that one turns out!

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6768 tasting notes

I can taste almond more than coconut and rooibos more than black tea in this blend. It’s smooth and pleasant. I want to thank MandyB for sending me this one! It’s been a while since I have had anything from Teavana!

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111 tasting notes

Tried this blend today courtesy of Meghann M (Thanks Meghann). When I opened the package vanilla tones hit me and the woodsy smell of rooibos. I pour a teaspoon and see small bits of coconut and there too I identified the rooibos that I thought I had smelled. As I said before I like most black teas and this one does have black tea in the list of ingredients but I don’t taste the black tea (at all) I mostly taste rooibos and vanilla while it’s not a bad combination I would like to be able to pick up on the black tea a little more (but that’s just me). As I have said in some of my previous post me a rooibos can go either way it’s kinda a hit or miss sorta thing (same goes for chai’s) and this one is okay. I’ve been in search of a good chai and while this one is not quite it I can see why others would find it appealing. I would like to try it with milk and MAYBE sugar too but unfortunately I am out of milk right now (Thanks to my teenager who is a bottomless pit). I will try this next time I have milk and post the results. Thanks again Meghann!

195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 0 sec

This is one of my favorites from Teavana. I love it as an iced tea with an ample amount of sweetened condensed milk – very similar to the way you’d get a Thai Iced Tea in a Thai restaurant. YUMMMMMM!

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72 tasting notes

I blended this with a Vanilla Red tea, and it became quite a nice full-bodied tea to wake me up, but with a fair subtlety. This blend is more suitable in the morning, though.

190 °F / 87 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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4843 tasting notes

I brewed this up last night for the fridge, and I’ve been sipping on it all day… sometimes with a drizzle of milk to make it more like Thai Iced Tea, and while it’s awesome like that, I think I’m enjoying it just as much without the milk.

It’s yummy.

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558 tasting notes

This just did not have any flavor today. Blech! I still drank it though as I needed a little bit of caffeine boost. This may be a “pay it forward” I don’t think this tea is for me at all. Lightly sweet but not a strong enough tea base. Looking forward to the bottom of this cup.


I actually like this tea- it is just mildly sweet. BUT I havent had it in awhile- now I think I will re-try it…

Meghann M

I think I didn’t realize how much a part of the blend was Rooibos. Maybe I will consider that next time I try it, I forgot while I was drinking it and thought it was too bland, but for a rooibos blend it wasn’t bad.

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