Vietnam Golden Monkey

Tea type
Black Tea
Black Tea
Malt, Sugarcane, Sweet Potatoes, Cinnamon, Tea
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Edit tea info Last updated by Pre-Qing Miocene
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec 16 oz / 473 ml

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From Tealyra (formerly Tealux)

Our Organic Golden Monkey was produced in Vietnam, which is bordered by China’s Yunnan province to the northwest, and Guangxi province to the northeast, both important tea producing regions.

The climate in Vietnam ranges from subtropical in the north, with wet summers and dry winters, to a totally tropical climate in the south, like most of Southeast Asia with the same seasonal precipitation pattern- making for wonderful tea production.

Our Organic Vietnam Golden Monkey tea steeps up a gorgeous amber infusion that is naturally sweet, with zero astringency, it has notes of hay, clover honey, and a rich character similar to molasses.

Enjoy the unique taste of fine Organic Vietnam Golden Monkey, it may become your new favorite black.

About Tealyra (formerly Tealux) View company

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9 Tasting Notes

1968 tasting notes

This is so tasty. Very easy to drink black tea- still lots of sweet potato and molasses.

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16975 tasting notes

I had a mug of this in the morning today, and it actually blew my mind how delicious it was! The dry leaf has a beautiful aroma of honey and sweet potatoes, so I felt pretty confidant this was going to be delicious as soon as I’d opened up the package. Though, there was a large rock mixed in with the tea leaf I measured out – but honestly that’s far from the weirdest thing I’ve seen in a tea before and it doesn’t bother me.

The taste with very rich and full bodied, and leaned heavily into those caramelized sweet potato/yam notes that I love so much in a black tea. In addition to that, there were lovely brown sugar, cocoa, malt, honey, and grain notes as well – and the finish was just a little bit cinnamon tinged. It’s was absolutely delightful, and one of the best straight black teas that I’ve had prepared Western style in a long ass time!


Damnit, this sounds wonderful too. This is one reason why I’ve been staying away from Steepster. Too many temptations.


Yeah I read your tasting note about the icky Peppermint Amour last night while I was drinking a big mug of it… that was a mistake. Glad this was just a rock!


this is why i have a wishlist haha

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38 tasting notes

Smells and tastes like you’d expect. Sweet potato scent, classic black tea flavor with little tannic acid and a hint of cinnamon. I wouldn’t buy it for myself given that Golden Monkey tends to taste too much like, well, any half decent black tea at its heart to really ever be special, but I wouldn’t shame anybody else for liking it. Someone moving to loose leaf from grocery store sachets might really appreciate this stuff as a step-up before diving into something weird.

Flavors: Cinnamon, Sweet Potatoes, Tea

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 16 OZ / 473 ML

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