Cream Irish Breakfast

Tea type
Black Tea
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Butter, Milk, Pastries, Smooth, Caramel, Cream
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Edit tea info Last updated by tea-sipper
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 45 sec 15 oz / 447 ml

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15 Tasting Notes View all

  • “This tea is wonderful. It was actually one of the few teas I enjoyed from my Tealux order. It will definitely be a reorder. A nice black tea to wake you up, with a soft creaminess. I’m working on...” Read full tasting note
  • “Anything cream, I’m game! The leaves are odd, since they range from really long and twisty to tiny little pieces. I don’t smell any cream in the leaves, but I do smell a really robust tea coming...” Read full tasting note
  • “This is a great morning tea! Very brisk, and steeps up very dark, very fast! There are caramel notes, which I enjoy, being a fan of sweet teas. It was just the kick In the pants I needed today!” Read full tasting note
  • “This is an excellent morning mug tea now that I’ve figured it out! 4g leaves in my 16 oz mug, steeped for just about 3 min, with 1/2 tsp honey and a splash of ‘cream’. This still provides a strong...” Read full tasting note

From Tealux

All the traditions of Irish tea and then some! Creamy caramel highlights dot a wickedly full-bodied tea.

Here’s to Ireland, the country that can lay claim to the honor of having the most tea drinkers per capita in the entire world! The average Irishman, when not hoisting a Guinness, imbibes an average of 6 cups a day. Even with the country’s relatively small population of 3.9 million, that’s almost 24 million cups a day!

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15 Tasting Notes

1404 tasting notes

This tea is wonderful. It was actually one of the few teas I enjoyed from my Tealux order. It will definitely be a reorder. A nice black tea to wake you up, with a soft creaminess.

I’m working on compiling the data I’ve found now, and the annotated bibliography is due for this research project Wednesday. I was stressed about it yesterday, but today felt I had things back under control.

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 15 OZ / 443 ML

You can do it! :)


Thanks :)


Are you working on your masters OMGsrsly?


Nope! Je refuse! My grades weren’t high enough for Arch funding, but they’re high enough for Science funding. Since I can’t follow my dreams, I’m having fun working in science. :)


Being paid is kinda rad.


Haha I agree about getting paid! I think I asked before – it’s a protein lab you work in, right? I’m working on inching my GPA up in this last year so I can continue with bio. :)


Yep yep! It’s funny, I started taking Arch courses for the easy A’s, and ended up loving it. I especially love surveying and sorting things. :)


Haha that’s awesome! I’ve never taken one sadly. There are so many course options and not enough time or money. I started taking psych for easy A’s and ended up with a minor in it. :P


I was warned about the psych courses at my school. A friend TA’d some at one point and said they’re like the calculus or organic chem of the arts. 50% fail rate. Ugh.. :/


Shudder, organic chem of the arts sounds horrid.


I’m sure you’ll do absolutely fine, Courtney! But it’s most definitely scary looking at your calendar and honestly wondering how you could possibly get through everything.

Were those psych courses usually placed on a bell curve, OMG? I took one psych course and I found it quite straightforward, but my last university loved those bell curves, especially for the 100- and 200-level. So unless you memorized every single thing in the textbook, no A’s for you. Kind of pointless, really.


I don’t remember. I mean, maybe? I know my math and chem courses were curved up. It’s one of the reasons I liked arch so much – your grade was your grade.


Good luck! I’ve also found myself using tasting notes as a mini journal entry of sorts, haha.


Thanks Fjellrev! I’ve only had handful of profs that actually marked on a curve, but that can definitely affect your grade.


Haha Jennkay, thank goodness it isn’t just me. I enjoy reading about everyone’s day along with their tea. :)


I sort of miss school…heh


Yeah, foreign languages are like that too: no bell curves. And linguistics too, except maybe the intro courses. That’s how it should be!

I did however once have a prof who put every single question on the midterm on its own bell curve, so I ended up with marks like 12.62/15 and 7.93/8 on questions. And that was in Norse mythology. So obnoxious.

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4347 tasting notes

Anything cream, I’m game! The leaves are odd, since they range from really long and twisty to tiny little pieces. I don’t smell any cream in the leaves, but I do smell a really robust tea coming my way! I steeped for four minutes, which I probably shouldn’t have… because WHOA, this one kicks. It’s very full bodied! Very strong! Kind of bakey. On the verge of bitter, but I like it like that sometimes. I like how the caffeine meter on the packages of Tealux teas never make it to the top, this one shows barely half way so I don’t want to know what the most caffeine would do! The package also says this tea is from India and is USDA Organic. The steep color is reddish brown. I really don’t get much of a cream flavor (and it really could have used more with a tea this strong) but there is a flavor here that seems like it is banana to me. So basically this tastes like a rye bread with banana in it. Weird, but good! This might be too strong for those who don’t like tough teas, but this is exactly the type of tea I need more of! I think I’ll have a second cup with some of that Bailey’s Cheesecake cream!

4 min, 0 sec

Sounds SOOOO good!

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818 tasting notes

This is a great morning tea! Very brisk, and steeps up very dark, very fast! There are caramel notes, which I enjoy, being a fan of sweet teas. It was just the kick In the pants I needed today!

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2291 tasting notes

This is an excellent morning mug tea now that I’ve figured it out! 4g leaves in my 16 oz mug, steeped for just about 3 min, with 1/2 tsp honey and a splash of ‘cream’. This still provides a strong cup of tea, but the short brew really allows the cream flavour to show through, and minimizes the tendency towards bitterness. Yum!

(I really need to a) bleach out my timolino because I was an idiot and now it smells like coffee, and b) get a glass or ceramic travel mug with a lid that seals pretty well (and isn’t too expensive). I dropped my fav. Sbux travel mug one too many times, and the lid keeps popping off!)

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36 tasting notes

Very pleasant rounded slightly creamy tea. Smooth in the mouth had it for breakfast did 1 teaspoon tealeaf into 200 ml hot water steeped 4 minutes. Nice taste. For the last sips I added a little sugar which made it taste even more nice.Resteeped the leaf for a small 65 ml teacup this was also nice and still full flavor.

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2238 tasting notes

Finally getting around to trying this one. It’s been in my cupboard a while, and yet I still think of it as one of my “new” Tealux teas. I finished off the “old” ones ages ago, so really it’s just “one of my Tealux teas”. And it deserves drinking. I used 1 tsp of leaf for my cup, and gave it 3.5 minutes in boiling water. It’s a mixture of CTC and longer, whole leaves, both of Indian origin according to the packet.

It tastes as you might expect; strong, robust, malty, with quite thick caramel notes. There’s a light creaminess, not as strong as I was expecting, but it adds a smoothness to the overall flavour that’s really pleasant, and that successfully manages to tone down what could have been brassier, harsher edges.

I think the creaminess could stand to be stronger, particularly as the base tea itself is so strong. I’m really enjoying my cup, though. It’s one of the smoothest CTC blends I’ve tried in a long time, and I’d happily repurchase.

Boiling 3 min, 30 sec 1 tsp
Super Starling!

Is Tealux now “Tealyra”?

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138 tasting notes

mellow, smooth, buttery, flaky pastry

tea liquor: color infuses almost instantaneously and it is a rich dark, coffee-color brown that turns amber red in the light, just beautiful.

rich and full-bodied. not bitter in the least. so delicious, that even though i added brown sugar, it was a very little bit. next time i may even try without. this is a flaky pastry in a cup, and i’ve been waiting to say that for quite a while. it’s great with milk, but even a touch, you can still taste the buttery, milky flavor beneath that you got in the dry leaf. this is quite delicious! am seriously considering stocking some of this. would make a wonderfully smooth, creamy base for a stovetop chai, but given that spice and sweetness would inevitably take over, the precious flavor of this tea might go unnoticed!

i’ve never had an official ‘Irish breakfast tea’ but if this is anything to go by, it’s a very special tea! unique for sure and might i add—delicious and satisfying. so glad i started my day (err….late afternoon) off with this.

Flavors: Butter, Milk, Pastries, Smooth

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694 tasting notes

This is a sample from TeaSipper. Thank you!

Holy kick in the pants! This is a strong tea. The color of the cup alone made me quiver in my shoes a bit. This is brisk and a tad astringent, but for a morning cup that can be a good thing. There is a hint of vanilla and an sweet undertone to the tea. There are hints of caramel and bread. This is a nice breakfast blend. I am digging it this morning.

Side note: This reminds me of Adagio’s Eleven. There are tad hints of coconut.

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109 tasting notes

Strong and robust like a good breakfast tea should be. Zero astringency. The cream flavour is nice and smooth; I get a pleasant coconutty note from it. Judging by how fast I drank down a pot of this, it’s definitely a winning blend in my books.

Boiling 4 min, 15 sec 2 tsp 15 OZ / 450 ML

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284 tasting notes

I like this tea a lot even though I rarely go for “morning” teas or teas that would imply a kick. Because kick to me is bitter/astringent/strong — same way I would describe a coffee with a kick. I would have never picked this for myself. In fact, I looked at it before placing my Tealux order and decided against it.

Tonight, I need this. I wake up at 3.46 am each day so I can be at work for 4.15 am. By 7 pm I’m starting to fade usually but it’s Friday night and I’m fighting it. Fighting it with this. (Ok, we went to a nearby Italian bakery so I also fought it with an Americano + Baileys). And canoli. Leave the gun, take the canoli. :)

Thanks to TheTeaFairy for this treat. So so good. Slightly bitter, slightly. 1 tsp for 8 oz, 90C. I added sugar and dairy free Irish cream creamer. Sorry, redundant, I know, but it’s what it is called!

This tea is good. Buy it on your next Tealux order. :) I will.


Double yay! Yay for treating yourself today and yay for the tea :-)


I liked this tea too, and cannoli is awesome! So jealous!!

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