First, I must say…this is my FIRST TeaGschwendner Tea and I am MORE THAN excited!!!! 2nd…special thanks to MandyB for sending this my way!
I cannot express how awesome this smells! If a smell could be iridescent this would be it! I could smell cranberries but then a little mango…oddly enough I was getting an overwhelming grapefruit type smell from across the room…not sure why because it’s cranberry and mango but I am NOT complaining in the slightest because this is one of the most awesome smelling green teas I have ever smelled! It doesn’t even lose that much of the smell once infused! Brilliant!
It’s light yellow/green in color and very nice to sip. It’s refreshing and juicy and thirst quenching and fun! The Cranberry and Mango couldn’t be dancing a more perfect dance with each other.
Honestly…by drinking this tea…it has made my day MUCH better!!!!
This sounds like an odd combination. Mango, which is very summer-y and tropical , would not seem to blend well w/cranberry.. I definitely need to give this one a try!
True. Lori! LOL :) I don’t know HOW they do it…but they do! :) I am thinking it will be very good iced, too!
I am sure it would be great iced!