Sweet Orange

Tea type
Black Fruit Blend
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205 °F / 96 °C 2 min, 30 sec

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From The Tea Haus

Ceylon Orange Pekoe, orange blossoms, orange peel, and natural orange flavour. A wonderfully refreshing cup!

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7 Tasting Notes

440 tasting notes

Apologies for all of these entries, I’m totally behind on Steepster-ing!

Sweet Orange was my travel tea on both days, and it was almost exactly what I needed. Something with a slight kick but mellow enough to not distract me from driving. Putting 1000km on a rental car over two days is very very tiring!

This tea is lovely hot, but the orange seems to come out more the more sweetener that is added. If you’re not a sweet fan, you may not get as much orange.


I need to pick some of this up next time we’re there, I can’t believe it slipped my mind.

Tina S.

In your mind’s defence, you had quite a list there to get through and we were crunched for time.

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1759 tasting notes

Big thank you to Tina S for sharing!! I’m so glad I had a chance to try this.
So… the good news is that I saw my naturopath the other day and she thinks that once I get my health issues under control, this darned flavoured tea sensitivity I seem to have should subside. I really hope so :)
The bad news is that I could feel even this tea, with such minimal added “flavouring” getting at my allergy. Gah! 90% of the additives here are things I can easily handle. It’s the extracts and such that get me…
Anyhow, the tea.
It’s a nice tea, light on the orange but blending right in with the Ceylon OP. There is that same creamy orange aspect here as well… the one that I suspect I’d enjoy immensely if it weren’t for complicating factors!
Oh and it was pretty darn sweet, considering I didn’t add any sugar. I assumed that I would need to but when I took a test sip, found that it wasn’t necessary at all.
For anyone that enjoys mellow (but not distant) orange in their tea, I highly recommend this!!

Daniel Scott

If you don’t mind my asking, what are you allergic to?


I don’t mind :)
So far, Bergamot, Jasmine, and Vanilla extracts. There are others but I’ve yet to pinpoint them. It only seems to apply with tea or coffee. When cooked, I have no issues with Vanilla!

Daniel Scott

..Yikes, that seems like it would limit your tea options significantly. Man, I grew up on Earl Grey, I’d be terribly sad to develop a bergamot allergy.


oh I’ve never been able to enjoy an EG… it’s always tasted like dirty socks. I wish I could enjoy it but there are plenty of others I can have :)

Daniel Scott

Dirty socks! Haha, I can actually see that, despite liking Earl Grey, although I couldn’t tell you why.


heh, don’t ask me how I know what dirty socks taste like. Well have cup of the Earl for me and try not to think of laundry :P

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570 tasting notes

I’ve tried this both sweetened and unsweetened, and I think I agree with Tina that the flavour really shines with a bit of sweetener – which, unfortunately, makes it too sweet for me. Oh the ironies.

Anyway. This is a very delicious black tea nonetheless, and without any sugar or milk it has a mellow flavour with a bit of an orange and citrus taste.

205 °F / 96 °C 2 min, 30 sec
Tina S.

So this is what you were up to while you waited for me to wake up, lol!


No, I had this last night!

Tina S.

I meant the review ;) <3

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1473 tasting notes

De made a cup of this to go with our mega brunch/self reward for fasting last night and dealing with bloodwork and an xray this morning. Unfortunately she likes hers darker than mine and it came out too bitter for me. I think Tea Haus blacks aren’t for me, simply because I’m too lazy to deal with a black I can’t make on autopilot, and I know I’ll mess up half of my stash by forgetting to steep it at lower than boiling. Tina recommends cold steeping, so I think that’s where the remainder of the ones I have are going to go.

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