Pure Jasmine Green Tea

Tea type
Green Tea
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190 °F / 87 °C 2 min, 45 sec

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12 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Its Friday and I’m running on fumes. Fortunately, they are the industrial strength fumes of Stassen jasmine tea. This tea is quite unsubtle about its subtleness. In case you’re not aware, this...” Read full tasting note
  • “BLAM!!! IN YOUR FACE!!!! Which is exactly what this tea and it’s bullying jasmine flavor do! I love jasmine and I love tea that has strong flavor, so being smacked upside the taste buds by this tea...” Read full tasting note
  • “I’ve thought of tossing this into my purses/gym bags to keep it fresh because the scent is just superb. It’s the most floral jasmine tea I’ve smelt. Taste wise it’s great but make sure you don’t...” Read full tasting note
  • “pretty intense jasmine flavour, I really like it but I could see how some people might be offput by this. Smells fantastic.” Read full tasting note

From Stassen

In order to meet the emerging worldwide demand for Green Tea, we embarked on a Green Tea Project that was a breakthrough in the commercial production and export of Green Tea in Sri Lanka. Stassen Jasmine Green Tea is one of our speciality teas with a unique flavour and aroma.

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12 Tasting Notes

71 tasting notes

Its Friday and I’m running on fumes. Fortunately, they are the industrial strength fumes of Stassen jasmine tea. This tea is quite unsubtle about its subtleness. In case you’re not aware, this is JASMINE!!!! (tea). Actually, as far as I can tell, its just jasmine flowers, with some leaves that got sucked into the jasmine flower harvesting machine by mistake. Wait, there it is, just a bit of tannin tang in the aftertaste. I hope there’s some caffeine in there too, or I may faceplant on theol7u8yol. jm78y…

Boiling 1 min, 0 sec


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1780 tasting notes

BLAM!!! IN YOUR FACE!!!! Which is exactly what this tea and it’s bullying jasmine flavor do! I love jasmine and I love tea that has strong flavor, so being smacked upside the taste buds by this tea is alright by me. I find it refreshing as an iced tea, but a little drying in my mouth as well. I do enjoy it plain with it’s puckering taste, but like it better with a little sugar to take the edge off the bitterness that seems to accompany it no matter how I brew it. There is often a pitcher of it in my fridge during the summer (in true southern form) and find myself getting all hopped up after a couple tall glasses and getting a lot of housework done. So overall, it’s a win in my book.

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50 tasting notes

I’ve thought of tossing this into my purses/gym bags to keep it fresh because the scent is just superb. It’s the most floral jasmine tea I’ve smelt.

Taste wise it’s great but make sure you don’t steep it for too long because it does get quite bitter.

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2 tasting notes

pretty intense jasmine flavour, I really like it but I could see how some people might be offput by this. Smells fantastic.

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12 tasting notes

Such a strong smelling tea, with a unique taste. Always instantly creates or takes me back to past memories.

Flavors: Jasmine

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22 tasting notes

I honestly love this jasmine tea even though it’s a tea bag version and not a loose version. The jasmine scent and flavor is very strong and so I’m not sure if it would be to everyone’s taste but I personally love jasmine flavor and smell. Sometimes, I would brew a lot of tea with this brand and refrigerate it to have on hand at all times.

Flavors: Jasmine

180 °F / 82 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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162 tasting notes

Another one of those “hey! I bought this tea 5 years ago and forgot it in my cupboard!” teas. I think I might have paid $2 for this box of 100 tea bags. I didn’t have high expectations (and, other than the outer wrapping being open, I’d be surprised if I had even had one of these tea bags…but I guess I must have sometime). Good tea for $0.02 a cup? Give me a break.

I opened the box, and each set of 25 tea bags is wrapped in its own little baggie, but the tea bags are loose inside those baggies. A let-down…now not only do I have to prepare myself for terrible $2 tea, I have to prepare myself for terrible, $2 STALE tea. Lovely.

Opened the baggie. KAPOW. Jasmine. This is jasmine GREEN TEA? For real? Smells like flowers. Like if I was going to sprinkle lavender in hot water, add a single leaf of green tea, and then call that “Lavender Green Tea”. AND I DON’T LIKE OVERLY FLOWERY TEAS. This cup just can’t get better. It has officially lost all of its redeeming qualities. Expectations: rock bottom.

Only steeped for about 3 minutes, because watery jasmine tea would be better than full-strength jasmine tea. Error in assumption: this tea only has full-flavour or “water has not hit the tea bag yet”. Now I have to drink an overly flowery “green tea” that is probably shitty quality AND is stale. Siiiiiiiigh.

First sip: OHMYGODTHISISHOT. (note to self: let tea cool)

Second sip: OHMYGODTHISISGOOD. That’s right. I said it. It was good. Very, very good. Didn’t taste stale at all, didn’t taste overly flowery (despite smelling like a garden of jasmine flowers in liquid form), the tea base (it’s in the list of ingredients so it must be there) didn’t get bitter at all…I’m officially floored. I don’t think a tea has actually floored me before. But I guess there’s a first for everything.

Made myself a second cup thinking the first was just some kind of crazy mistake, forgot about it in the cup so I probably steeped it about 5 minutes the second time. Yes, a change in flavour. But not an unpleasant change in flavour. I think I’ll try (keyword: try) to stick to a 3-minute steep because I like that better.

I’m not going to say this is THE BEST jasmine green tea I’ve ever had, because I bought a ridiculously expensive jasmine green tea when I was in Japan and it tasted like unicorns and rainbows, but this comes really, really close.


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4 tasting notes

Great value tea, something to keep around in case you run out of everything else. Easy to find and for a good reason.

205 °F / 96 °C 2 min, 0 sec

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125 tasting notes

Fighting the after-lunch slump. Lovely, mild, soothing.

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24 tasting notes

I love this tea and its definatly not subtle with the Jasmine. Once you steep it, it fills the room! I needed sugar to drink this one.

this tea is also great iced!

185 °F / 85 °C 6 min, 0 sec

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