This tea is an experiment in progress. It is an attempt to create my own sleepytime blend. My insomnia has gotten worse lately and when I sleep at all I don’t sleep that much. Today I got my order from Simpson and Vail in the mail. It included this and the ingredients I added to it (or most of them), passion flower and valerian root. I expected the valerian root to make this tea taste absolutely horrible, but it surprised me. It’s not that bad. I also added rosehips which give this tea a sweet flavor. We will see if this tea makes me sleepy. I did sweeten this tea, it is impossible, in my opinion, to drink tea with valerian root and no sugar.
I brewed this once in a 14oz mug with 5tsp chamomile, 1 tsp valerian root, 1 tsp passion flower, and 3 tsp rosehips in boiling water for 5 min.